[Ica-osgeo-labs] Looking for speaker at FOSS4G Seoul UN Special Session

Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
Wed Jul 22 12:58:03 PDT 2015

Sanghee and OSGeo and GeoForAll and a World with Mutually Assured Sustainability,

We must make a success out of the CitySmart enterprise! This will be the theme for the next Europa World Challenge.

This theme has just begun to be designed here, 
and will be getting much more refined attention over the coming months.

All cities have the same urban infrastructure needs, all cities can be collectively sharing in the development of one open source app, OpenCitySmart, that all cities can share, and thereby recognize their common needs, their interest in sharing, and the benefits of a world living in peace and shared prosperity

This is all about, as you say, Sustainability, Inclusiveness and a Resilient Earth. 
Open source is the only way we can possibly do this together.
I suggest we have students speak to this with their words, 
their hopes and dreams for the world they want to help make.
Let them tell us what they are going to do to make a better world!


-----Original Message-----
From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sanghee Shin
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:14 PM
To: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
Cc: 최준영; 최준영
Subject: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Looking for speaker at FOSS4G Seoul UN Special Session

Dear All, 

As you know there will be "Open Source GIS in UN and Developing Countries” special session at FOSS4G Seoul. 

Dr. Choi from LH Corp is doing his great job for organising this special session. Thanks Dr. Choi again here. 

We may have this special session on 16th September(Wednesday). Draft Program of FOSS4G UN Special Session is attached below and you may understand what Dr. Choi is trying to do through this session without difficulties, the draft program is partially in Korean though. 

Dr. Choi is looking for a last speaker who can talk about the “Open Source GIS and Sustainability, Inclusive and Resilient planet earth” or similar topics. This talk might start on 14:00, 16th Sep. 

Is here anybody who wants to talk this at FOSS4G Seoul? Or can you suggest any person on this talk?

All the best, 


**** Draft Program of FOSS4G UN Special Session ***

<FOSS4G UN Special Session>
 10:50 ~ 12:10
■ Sustainability, SDG 목표 전반과 관련
   - 발표자 : 레슬리 루이 알루이도르, 아이티 북부 및 북동부 오픈스트리트맵 커뮤니티
                     (Lesly Louis Alouidor, Communauté OpenStreetMap Haiti Nord et Nord Est (COSMHANNE))
   - 제목: 오픈소스 기술이 아이티의 지속가능 개발에 기여하는가
                (How opensource technologies can contribute to sustainable devlopment in Haiti)

■ Public Health, 목표3 및 개도국 관련
   - 발표자: 니콜라스 기냑, 퀘벡주 공공안전부
                   (Nicolas Gignac, Ministry of Public Security of Quebec)
   - 제목: 오픈소스 기술을 이용한 북부 나이지리아 공중보건 개선

■ Climate change, 목표13 및 개도국 관련
   - 발표자: 오레셀 라플라나-알레한드로, 아테네오 데 다보아 대학
                   (Aurecel Laplana-Alejandro, Ateneo de Davao University)
   - 제목: 기후변화 적응을 위한 오프소스 GIS를 활용한 알다이의 작물 적합성 분석
               (Utilizing Free Open Source Software and Open Data in the Crop Suitability Analysis
                 of Adlai for Climate Change Adaptation )

■ Protecting the Planet, 목표15 관련
   - 발표자: 미구엘 토레스, 유엔환경계획 세계환경 모니터링센터
                    (Miguel Torres, UNEP-WCMC )
   - 제목: PostGIS로 지구를 구하자: 어떻게 우리가 전세계 모든 국가의 
               보호지역 커버리지를 계산할 수 있는가?
               (Protecting the Planet with PostGIS: How we are calculating complex protected area
               coverage statistics for all countries in the world.)

 <UN-LH Seminar : Open Source GIS in UN and Developing Countries> 

사회 : 토지주택연구원 연구원
 13:30 ~ 14:00
 ■ 축사 : LH 임원급
 ■ 환영사 : President of OSGeo
 ■ 기조연설 : UN Head of Geospatial Information Section 엄경수 실장님

 14:00 ~ 15:00
 ■ 주제발표
  (1) Open source GIS와 지속가능한, 포용력있는, 복원력있는 지구
     (Sustainability, Inclusive and Resilient planet earth) 관련 주제발표로 국내외 전문가 섭외
  (2) Making cities and human settlement, UN SDG 11
     - 발표자: Junyoung Choi, Korea Land and Housing Corportaion
     - 제목: Saving Rapid Urbanizing Cities using the FOSS4G Based Spatial Analysis for Urban Development
  (3) 사례 발표(Cases): 해외도시개발 지원센터를 통해 발표자 섭외

 15:00 ~ 15:20
 ■ 커피 브레이크(Break)

 15:20 ~ 16:00
 ■ 토론(Panel Discussion)
  ▷ 좌장 : 토지주택연구원
     *해외: UN Officers 2인, 밀라노 공대 마리아 브로벨리 교수
     *국내: 한국토지주택공사 김정익 부장, 상명대 행정학과 김영미 교수(LX 비상임 이사)

Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul "Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
Twitter: @foss4g
Facebook: FOSS4G2015
email: foss4gchair at osgeo.org

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