[Ica-osgeo-labs] [Board] Student Award initiative

Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Sun Mar 8 12:38:47 PDT 2015

To be fear i would add also foss4g-asia.. ;-)

Il giorno 19:51 Dom 08/Mar/2015 Suchith Anand <
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> ha scritto:

> Maxi,
> Thanks for your feedbacks and ideas. My answers below
> 1. Sure , let us name it OSGeo Student Awards Initiative.
> 2. "Giving the money to support the participation of winner to
> international conferences so that they can meet the community and learn"
> is good idea. My suggestion is to leave the implementation details to the
> respective LOCs. That will give them the flexibility to decide which is the
> best way to distribute the awards for thier particular conference to make
> maximum impact. For example maybe LOC1 might want to divide the 1k USD to 5
> prizes so 5 students get bit of support or another LOC2 might decide to
> allocate to one student only.  The Chair of the LOC should send a summary
> of the Awards to the OSGeo Board after the conference.
> I also hope the LOCs will be inspired to actively find other sponsors to
> further build value for the Student Awards. For example, we already know
> that for FOSS4G 2015 conference in addition to OSGeo’s $1,000 , the FOSS4G
> Seoul LOC’s have kindly added their $1,500 contribution to this. If any
> other sponsors want to give awards directly to the students, the LOC could
> make the necessary arrangements.
> I agree with Jeroen's suggestion, that let us start small, learn and then
> expand . So if everyone agrees, let us start with FOSS4G Global,
> FOSS4G-Europe and FOSS4G-NA. Once the LOCs of these three events know that
> there will be a support of 1k USD for their conference specifically to
> support Student Awards, i am confident that they will make the necessary
> arrangements to ensure stronger participation of students in the
> conferences and also honour their contributions to OSGeo and to wider Open
> Education initiatives.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> ________________________________________
> From: board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On
> Behalf Of Massimiliano Cannata [massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch]
> Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2015 5:17 PM
> To: Jeff McKenna
> Cc: OSGeo Board
> Subject: Re: [Board] Student Award initiative
> Jeff, suchith,
> I agree to provide money to start student award, which is very important
> in my opinion.
> Frankly speacking,  my concerns are about:
> 1) osgeo is giving money for prize, and i see this a way also to fidelize
> youngs to our association and take part of the community, so i would like
> to see the award in the name of osgeo. Otherwise if it is in the name of
> others, they have to contribute equally.
> 2) i see the potential of bracking down prizes to conferences where few
> competitors are concurring. In these cases I would rather give money to
> support the participation of winner to international conferences so that
> they can meet the community and learn
> Just for the record, during he last meeting i suggested to approve the
> seed money and then decide case to case based on further specification.
> Btw, i think that having 5k is a good starting point.
> Maxi
> Il giorno 08/mar/2015 14:24, "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
> <mailto:jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>> ha scritto:
> Thanks for this message Suchith.  Some members of the Board apparently
> still have concerns, and I have asked them to directly respond to you with
> their concerns.  Board: please do reply to this message if you have
> questions for Suchith and the GeoForAll community.
> I personally feel that we the Board should support this Student Award
> initiative, and provide the 10k in seed funds for awards.  The important
> point here is to give appreciation for students who push FOSS4G in their
> research.  Students can use the awards as a way to get further funding for
> their research, and also for continuing onto the next graduate level of
> their studies.  And our community benefits by having yet another passionate
> advocate for FOSS4G.  Win-win.
> Thank you Board.
> -jeff
> On 2015-03-07 2:40 PM, Suchith Anand wrote:
> Dear Board,
> Please let us know what improvements/changes you want for the Student
> Award initiative. As i told before , if you have specific ideas that need
> to be in place please suggest them and we are happy to implement any
> changes needed.
> We have been trying to get as much inputs from the community and all
> inputs we got we have added including to start small (with three events -
> FOSS4G, FOSS4G-Europe and FOSS4G-NA)
> We have put in lot of efforts to build up momentum for Openness in
> GeoEducation over the years and now we are getting real momentum building
> up in our Open Geo Education activities globally . It has been combined
> efforts of all colleagues in OSGeo, ICA and ISPRS  who all come together
> for the first time on this "Geo for All" mission of making Geospatial
> Education and opportunities available for all that made this momentum
> possible.
> I really hope we can make this Student Awards happen. It doesn't matter
> which form it takes shape  but please make it happen.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
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