[Ica-osgeo-labs] National Geospatial Data Act Introduced
Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX)
patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
Tue Mar 17 17:39:14 PDT 2015
Let's hope this is a super boost, giving new life to good ol' NSDI.
Some cities like Springfield Oregon are already leading the charge!
OSGeo is already pressing to make more of this as well,
Patrick.Hogan at nasa.gov
Project Manager
NASA World Wind
(650) 604-5656 (office)
(650) 269-2788 (cell)
From: ca.gis.council-request at ucdavis.edu [mailto:ca.gis.council-request at ucdavis.edu] On Behalf Of Beardsley, Karen
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 3:40 PM
To: ca.gis.council at ucdavis.edu
Subject: [ca.gis.council] FW: National Geospatial Data Act Introduced
See below for news from NSGIC about the National Geospatial Data Act.
From: Member [mailto:member-bounces at nsgic.org] On Behalf Of Shelby Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 3:34 PM
To: NSGIC (member at nsgic.org<mailto:member at nsgic.org>)
Subject: [NSGIC Member] National Geospatial Data Act Introduced
I have some exciting news that I know many of you are probably already aware.
On Monday, Senator Orin Hatch (UT) and Mark Warner (VA) introduced the National Geospatial Data Act Senate Bill 740 (S740).
They were gracious to include NSGIC in their press release about the legislation and this speaks to the strong national perspective that NSGIC as an organization is important in shaping national geospatial policy.
I had hoped by now the printing would be complete so the full text of the Bill could be presented but it is my understanding the full text may not be online until tomorrow. Watch here to find the text.
I have a very special request to all our members. I'm asking you to do this as soon as possible. Please share the news of the legislation through all of your communication options, your websites, state email lists, newsletters, list servers and all of your social media channels.
At our Mid-Year meeting I said there would be epic news coming. Now it is here.
Shelby D Johnson - Geographic Information Officer
Arkansas GIS Office
1 Capitol Mall Ste 6D
Little Rock, AR 72201
501.682.2943 Tel
501.682.6077 Fax
shelby.johnson at arkansas.gov<mailto:shelby.johnson at arkansas.gov> Email
http://www.gis.arkansas.gov<http://www.gis.arkansas.gov/> Web
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