[Ica-osgeo-labs] Urban Sciece/City Analytics (CitySmartApp)

Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
Tue Mar 31 22:19:36 PDT 2015

Dear OSGeo/FOSS4G/GeoForAll and AllForGeo Musketeers,

See what other cities are doing with regard to world-class ^thinking^ on Urban Management,


Just one example from those,


These are beautiful demonstrations for the kind of 'visionary' thinking needed in a CitySmart app!

We need to step down a level or two from these refined solutions and build an open CitySmart app with core capability that facilitate these kind of things to be done, things at the elemental/mechanical level.

We need a common platform (virtual globe) with an open API for the menu system. This will allow any functionality to be added or subtracted. Then the value-added industry, academia and hot-shot hackers can do the rest. How long must we wait? ;-)

-Patrick Hogan
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