[Geo4All] The European Open Science Cloud in upcoming Horizon 2020

Dimitris Kotzinos kotzino at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 04:49:12 PDT 2016

Dear Suchith, Maria, all,

I would also be interested in participating in the proposal discussed
for the European Open Science Cloud. I could also participate in leading
depending on the subject and of course the expertise of the rest of the
participants. I have some similar experience participating in the
INGEOCLOUDS project (EU FP7 - www.ingeoclouds.eu).

So I would be happy to contribute, but we need to discuss carefully the
target and scope of such a proposal and then draw on the collective
intelligence of the community and proceed with participants and writing.
So I think that we need to setup a first meeting as soon as possible to
discuss this.

@Suchith, I would also like to participate in the Think Tank in June and
I am trying to arrange it but cannot confirm it yet. But this should be
preceded by the proposal preparation.

I would be happy to discuss further,
Best regards,

Dimitris Kotzinos

Dimitris Kotzinos
Head MIDI team
& Dept. Sciences Informatiques, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
2 av. Adolphe Chauvin
Site Saint Martin, bureau A561
95000 Pontoise
phone: +33 13425 2855
e-mail: Dimitrios.Kotzinos at u-cergy.fr

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