[Geo4All] GeoBadges for service to Geo4All education activities - Updates

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Apr 12 22:45:06 PDT 2016


To keep you updated, we have postponed the telemeeting with AGS (planned last week) to discuss ideas on Geo4All GeoBadges as  am waiting to get availability of both Nikos and Ela to arrange the telemeeting with Ana and Jon  about Geo4All GeoBadges. We hope to arrange a telemeeting this month itself. I have already informed Ana the best available times so waiting for doodle poll from her to find best time suitable for all . Anyone interested to participate in this telemeeting are very welcome.

For QGIS Badges, the idea is good and I  think GeoAcademy is best people to do this because of thier track record of running a very successful MOOC program using QGIS .I am requesting Phillip Davis ‎to please take initiative on this . Once GeoAcademy starts doing this, it will inspire others to also join efforts. I request everyone to send thier ideas/inputs on how we can make this possible.

Phil - are you able to do this and arrange a meeting with Ana to follow up ideas?

Best wishes,


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