[Ica-osgeo-labs] Fwd: CFP -- Cartographica

Emmanuel Stefanakis emmanuel.stefanakis at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 17:25:36 PST 2016


<http://cca-acc.org/call-for-papers/>​  *

The editorial team of Cartographica
<http://www.utpjournals.com/cartographica.html> invites the participants of
the Joint  CRSS and CCA2016 annual conference in Winnipeg (June 27-29, 2016)
<http://cca-acc.org/conferences/current-conference/> to submit a full paper
describing original research contribution in all aspects of Cartography
including sensor driven mapping. The papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted
papers will be presented at the Conference and be published in the Fall
Issue of Cartographica (Issue 51.4). In the event of sufficient submissions
an entire special issue will be dedicated.

Paper submissions must be up to 6,000 words long and contain: title,
abstract, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), contact details (post, phone,
fax, email), and a brief biography of author(s) (up to 100 words).
Manuscripts should be emailed to Emmanuel Stefanakis (estef at unb.ca) by the

*Important Dates:*

Paper Submission: March 15th 2016

Notice of Acceptance: April 30th 2016

Presentation at the Conference: June 7-9, 2016

Revised-paper Submission:  June 30th 2016


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