[Geo4All] Geo4All Newsletter - May 2016

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu May 12 07:18:21 PDT 2016

Congrats to GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation at the Arizona State University who are our “Geo4All” lab of the month

Many thanks to Nikos and all our editors for thier efforts for another excellent issue of Geo4All newsletter . This has been a great resource to share our ideas and amazing education, research and service that our colleagues globally are doing in building and expanding Open Geospatial Science [1],[2],[3].

I want to congratulate our colleagues at GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation at the Arizona State University, USA who are our “Geo4All” lab of the month. The GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation develops state-of-the-art methods for geospatial analysis, geovisualization, geosimulation, and spatial process modeling, implements them through open source software tools, applies them to policy-relevant research in the social and environmental sciences, and disseminates them through training and support to a growing worldwide community. The GeoDa Center deals with research questions at different spatial scales, from the local to the global. Application areas include a range of substantive fields, such as regional science, economic geography, environmental economics, criminology, public health, and other social and natural sciences. Research in the GeoDa Center has focused on spatial statistical model specification, clustering, exploratory analysis, geovisual analytics, spatial optimization and GIS development to address a range of important problems. Examples of problem areas range from crime, water management in desert cities, HIV/AIDS in Mozambique, cancer, economic development, property valuation and home foreclosures to human elephant conflicts. Spatial software development efforts are integrated with several major research projects. These research projects from flexible geospatial visual analytics to spatial decision support system for minimizing nitrogen impacts demonstrates the breadth and depth of various interesting research being done at GeoDa Centre and more details of the various research projects can be found at http://geodacenter.asu.edu/research

I would like to take this opportunity to also congratulate Prof. Sergio Rey for winning the UCGIS 2016 Research Award . We are grateful for Sergio and all his colleagues at GeoDa Centre at Arizona State University for their contributions to Open Geospatial Science. On behalf of Geo4All community, I would like to thank Luc Anselin, Julia Koschinsky, Elizabeth A. Wentz , Sergio J. Rey and all colleagues at the Arizona State University for their help and for their contributions to the Geo4All initiative and look forward to working and building more collaborations with all interested on this education mission.

I would also like to thank our colleagues at Politecnico di Milano (esp. Maria Brovelli, Marco Minghini ) for thier excellent work in leading all our humanitarian mapathons (Nepal, Japan, Equador) [4], [5] . This also help teach the students also the real essence of education and humanity and “sharing knowledge and expertise” to help each other in times of need. There is an excellent article on Humanitarian Mapathons by Marco Minghini for this month's newsletter at http://www.geoforall.org/newsletters/

Best wishes,


[1] http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2016/04/open-geospatial-science-2/
[2] http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/science-applications
[3] http://opengeospatialdata.springeropen.com/about/editorial-board
[4] http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2016/04/humanitarian-mapathons-for-japan-and-ecuador/
[5] http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2015/04/mapping-response-contributions-for-nepal/

From: labrinos at eled.auth.gr [labrinos at eled.auth.gr]
Sent: 12 May 2016 11:11 AM
To: Strong, Emma; Woloszynska-Wisniewska', 'Elzbieta; Bulbul, Rizwan; Alexey, Pavel and; A Costa Y Lara, Sergio; Navaro, Antoni; OsGeo, GeoForAll
Cc: Anand, Suchith; Lamprinos, Nikolaos
Subject: Newsletter - May 2016

Dear All,

I would like to inform you that the May issue (Volume 2, No.5) has
been uploaded onto GeoForAll website (www.geoforall.org).
I would like to thank all the Co-editors for their contribution.

Nikos Lambrinos

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