[Geo4All] Open Source version of ArcGIS online

Alex Mandel aimandel at ucdavis.edu
Thu May 12 18:44:56 PDT 2016

Depends on how you define open source.

Mapstory, Cartodb, Mapbox, QGIScloud etc... are all possible options.
All of them build on open source (and contribute back), and all offer
some services for free (has nothing to do with open source. Cartodb does
have an education specific account for teaching.

If you wanted to run your own, Mapstory actually grew out of Geonode
which you could run yourself, but that doesn't come with and data.


On 05/12/2016 06:24 PM, Christopher Tucker wrote:
> MapStory.org was not meant for that purpose.  But, to some extent, I guess it plays that role.
> Chris
> 703-981-9373
>> On May 12, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Mueller, Thomas <Mueller at calu.edu> wrote:
>> Hello 
>> I know this is a very naive question, however I have seen the growth of ArcGIS online for educational purposes (even if it is just a public account).  Is there a similar open source system?
>> Thanks
>> Tom Mueller

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