[Geo4All] FW: Dynamic Mapping of Secondary Cities Symposium at Harvard

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sat May 28 04:44:09 PDT 2016

This might be of interest to some of you.


From: Min Sun [msun at masonlive.gmu.edu]
Sent: 27 May 2016 5:02 PM
To: ucgis-all
Subject: Dynamic Mapping of Secondary Cities Symposium at Harvard

Dear All,

Welcome to join the dynamic mapping of secondary cities symposium hosted at Harvard University on June 14-15, 2016.

Dynamic Mapping of Secondary Cities Symposium<http://gis.harvard.edu/events/conferences/dynamic-mapping-secondary-cities-symposium>

June 14-15, 2016
Harvard University Center for Geographic Analysis
Tsai Auditorium, 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02138

Secondary Cities in the developing world are rapidly growing urban areas that are regional hubs for commerce, services, and governance in developing countries that often do not have adequate planning mechanisms for future development and growth. This symposium will focus on the foremost data collection tools and technologies used to map urbanization in such cities. It is part of the Secondary Cities initiative, a global collaboration of universities and organizations supported by the Humanitarian Information Unit of the Office of the Geographer of the State Department.

This event is free and open to the public. For more details, please visit http://gis.harvard.edu/events/conferences/dynamic-mapping-secondary-cities-symposium



Min Sun
Research Assistant Professor
NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center http://stcenter.net
George Mason University


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