[Geo4All] Reminder Geo4All-ASPRS-UCGIS webinar: Friday November 11 at 15:00 (GMT)

Moreno-sanchez, Rafael Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu
Fri Nov 4 12:45:31 PDT 2016

Hi everyone,
A kind reminder.

Our next join webinar Geo4All-ASPRS-UCGIS will be
Friday November 11 at 15:00 (GMT).
To register and attend please follow link:
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9194387089671448580      (PLEASE NOTICE THIS IS A NEW LINK FROM PREVIOUS EMAIL)
The recording with be posted in the Geo4All YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL1E2akvCNWP_nC0p5CpB8g) and also in the ASPRS recording system.

UN Open GIS Initiative - Open Source Geospatial S/W for the UN
Ki-Joune Li and Maria Brovelli

Abstract: As the open source geospatial software becomes a fundamental basis of GIS applications, there is a strong demand from the UN for many peace keeping operations. In order to respond to this demand, we have launched the UN Open GIS initiative since March 2016. The objective of the initiative is to identify and develop open source geospatial software and services that meets the requirements of UN operations, taking full advantage of the expertise of mission partners including partner nations, technology developed by contributing countries, international organizations, academia, NGO's, private sector. Three teams (called Spirals) have been actively working to achieve this objective. The first team (Spiral I) aims at developing and deploying an open source geospatial information infrastructure for the UN as well as a geo-portal. The second team (Spiral II) provides the capacity building programs on open source geospatial software to the UN staffs. The third team (Spiral III) intends to implement open source geospatial analysis tools for divers UN operations. We are also planning Spiral IV for geospatial data collection task. In this webinar, the background, motivations, visions, and roadmap of the initiative will be presented as well as the activities and technical aspects of each spirals. The UN Open GIS Initiative is open, your contributions are always very much welcome.

Rafael Moreno, Ph.D.
Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences
University of Colorado Denver
Office: North Classroom 3524, Auraria Campus
Campus Box 172
1200 Larimer Street NC 3524
Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 303-352-3762
Fax 303-556-6197
Website: https://clas.ucdenver.edu/directory/faculty-staff/Rafael-Moreno

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