[Geo4All] Central Appalachian YouthMappers Symposium - Please register

Maria Antonia Brovelli maria.brovelli at polimi.it
Mon Sep 12 05:00:27 PDT 2016

Tom, dear, nice to see you here as well. I will be talking about humanitarian mapping in a conference next week and I want also to mention YouthMappers. Do you have something short that I can read?
Thanks a lot!

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-------- Original message --------
From: "Mueller, Thomas" <Mueller at calu.edu>
Date: 09/09/2016 09:54 (GMT+01:00)
To: av-mem at sympa.montana.edu, geotechteam at googlegroups.com, geoforall at lists.osgeo.org, "'passhegis at googlegroups.com'" <passhegis at googlegroups.com>, HIGHERED-L at atlantis.esri.com, T3G-GROUP at atlantis.esri.com, "Delaware Geographic Data Committee (dgdc-l at lists.state.de.us)" <dgdc-l at lists.state.de.us>, GEOGED at LSV.UKY.EDU
Cc: "Solis, Patricia" <patricia.solis at ttu.edu>, Brent McCusker <Brent.McCusker at mail.wvu.edu>
Subject: [Geo4All] Central Appalachian YouthMappers Symposium - Please register

Central Appalachian YouthMappers Symposium
September 23, 2016
9:00am to 3:00pm
Brooks Hall, West Virginia University
Sorry for cross posting
YouthMappers - "Capitalizing on web-based open geospatial technologies, our mission is to cultivate a generation of young leaders to create resilient communities and to define their world by mapping it."
If you are a member of the YouthMappers program you are invited to a FREE symposium on Humanitarian Mapping.  Agenda below
Here is the registration link: https://goo.gl/forms/xlGHnEdvMcghiX0U2

If you are not a member yet: Submit your materials, receive approval before September 23rd and you are also invited to the FREE symposium
Here is the website to apply: http://www.youthmappers.org/#!participate/ix7ph
9:00 - Welcome and Introductions
9:15 - History of Youth Mappers (Brent McCusker)
9:30 - Welcome from Chad Blevins
9:45 - 10:30 - Discussion of mapping interests (students)
10:30- 10:45- break
10:45 - 11:00 - Discussion with Patricia Solis (TTU)
11:00 - noon - Mapathon 1
Noon- 1:30 - lunch
1:30- 3:00 - Mapathon 2
3:00 - Closing

Thomas R. Mueller, Ph.D., GISP
Advisor: Geography Major with GIS and Emergency Management Concentration
Co - Director: Pennsylvania View
Department of Earth Sciences, California University of Pennsylvania
"A man never gets to this station in life without being helped, aided, shoved, pushed and prodded to do better." - Johnny Unitas

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