[Geo4All] Boletín GeoSUR/GeoSUR Newsletter (English and Spanish)

SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy
Tue Aug 8 05:44:31 PDT 2017

?GeoSUR Newsletter Volume 4, No. 5-6-7, 2017
GeoSUR Newsletter Volume 4, No. 5-6-7, 2017 is now available for download and distribution among your networks: English<https://issuu.com/isuunag/docs/geosurv4n5_6_7_eng> and Spanish<https://issuu.com/isuunag/docs/geosurv4n5_6_7_esp> versions.
English: https://issuu.com/isuunag/docs/geosurv4n5_6_7_eng
Spanish: https://issuu.com/isuunag/docs/geosurv4n5_6_7_esp
GeoSUR Newsletter seeks to disseminate GeoSUR Program's achievements and characteristics as well as events, projects and best practices for the application of GI into sustainable development and decision making in the region, as part of the Geospatial Data Infrastructure of the Americas.
Please send your suggestions and contributions to the newsletter's editor: Nancy Aguirre, cnaguirre at ipgh.org<mailto:cnaguirre at ipgh.org>

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