[Geo4All] Let us all work to make sure Geographic Information Science is Open for our future generations

Suchith Anand suchith_anand at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 6 11:40:51 PST 2017

Dear colleagues,

Openness is fundamental in harnessing the true potential of Geospatial Science and expanding digital economy opportunities for all . Open innovation is key in driving Digital Economy opportunities and to make sure that everyone benefits. 
Why are Open Principles important in science and education ? Please see the links below
https://www.slideshare.net/SuchithAnand/open-principles-in-geoeducation https://www.geoconnexion.com/uploads/publication_pdfs/uk_v15i18-058-059-Op951AF3.pdf  http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/science-applications 
In my humble opinion, Science is not any specific GIS tools! (proprietary or open source) .  Any proprietary GIS vendors doing sales/marketing of any proprietary GIS products as “The Science” is  misleading  customers or they may be just joking! :-)   Geographic Information Science is not “owned “by any proprietary GIS vendor owners. Geographic Information Science is Open for all and for our future generations.
GeoForAll is committed to work towards the vision of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for building a better world for everyone. Open Education is the simple and powerful idea that the world’s knowledge is a public good and that technology in general and the internet in particular provide an extraordinary opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse knowledge. Openness is key for true empowerment and sustainability.  Access to quality education opportunities is everyone’s birthright. So do join us and let us all work together to enable open principles in education to help create a world that is more accessible, equitable and full of innovation and opportunities for everyone.The aim of GeoForAll is to empower all academics and students worldwide forever. 
Let us all work to make sure Geographic Information Science is Open for our future generations…
Best wishes,
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