[Geo4All] FOSS4G Hokkaido 2017 - Live conference webcasts now
labrinos at eled.auth.gr
labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Sat Jul 1 11:28:35 PDT 2017
Dear colleagues in Japan,
I would kindly ask you to send a brief report on the FOSS4G Japan with
a few photos for the needs of our Newsletter (August issue).
I think that it will be of great interest to all our colleagues.
Thank you very much
Nikos Lambrinos
Chief Editor
Παραθέτοντας από Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>:
> Greetings to all our colleagues in Japan who are organising FOSS4G
> Hokkaido 2017 this week to expand the wave of ‘Openness’ that is
> sweeping across the world and gains traction and momentum in every
> facet of society.
> The full conference program at http://foss4g.hokkaido.jp
> The theme of FOSS4G Hokkaido 2017 is Reprojection . In FOSS4G
> Hokkaido would like to broaden the meaning and capture Reprojection
> as a "new perspective".
> FOSS4G events are held in various parts of the world. In Japan,
> FOSS4G event started in Tokyo and Osaka from 2007. In Hokkaido it
> has been held as FOSS4G Hokkaido since 2012 . OSGeo Foundation's
> official branch in Japan is "OSGeo Foundation Japan Section
> (OSGeo.JP) http://www.osgeo.jp
> Our thanks to every member who made this happen and the impacts
> that you all are now starting will be felt everywhere in the future.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
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Δρ. Νίκος Λαμπρινός
Καθηγητής της Διδασκαλίας της Γεωγραφίας
Τμήμα Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης
Α.Π.Θ. 54124 Θεσσαλονίκη
Τηλ.: 2310 991201 / 991230
Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Web Page: http://users.auth.gr/labrinos/
Dr. Nikos Lambrinos
Professor of Geography Teaching
Director of Digital Analysis and Educational Design Laboratory
President of the Hellenic digital earth Centre of Excellence
Faculty of Education
School of Primary Education
Dept. of Science and New Technologies
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +30 2310 991201
Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Web Page: http://users.auth.gr/labrinos/
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