[Geo4All] Outcomes of #OpenDataHack @ECMWF - 4-5 March 2017

Julia Wagemann wagemann.julia at gmx.de
Sun Mar 12 09:04:42 PDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

last weekend, we had the #OpenDataHack @ECMWF that aimed at raising 
awareness of open data from ECMWF and three Copernicus Services, the 
Climate Change Service (C3S), the Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) 
and the Emergency Management Service (CEMS).

We had more than 70 developers and data enthusiasts at the hackathon and 
20 team contributions in the end. Please find a full summary of the 
hackathon here 
We also have full recording of the opening morning and the Show&Tell 
part of the hackathon.

Main outcomes of the hackathon:
- open climate and weather data are most beneficial when combined with 
other open data sources
- massive amounts of open data is useless if data is too hard to access 
and to discover
- ECMWF has to improve its data services to increase data uptake of 
people outside the meteorological domain

We will likely have a Volume 2 of #OpenDataHack next year, but then we 
will put a stronger thematic focus on one or two application domains, 
e.g. transport.
Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding the 
#OpenDataHack @ECMWF.
Best regards,

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