[Geo4All] [Board] FOSS4G Argentina

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Mon May 29 23:36:07 PDT 2017

Big +1 to support air fare and accommodations!

Thank you Maria for taking the time to make this trip.

Best wishes,

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:20 AM, Suchith Anand <
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:

> Thanks to FOSS4G Argentina LOC for their efforts to promote Open
> Principles in geoeducation. I really hope the Board will support Maria's
> travel to give keynote on behalf of OSGeo for wider outreach to South
> America. OSGeo needs to support and expand our activities in the developing
> world
> Malena and the Argentinian colleagues - Please let the GeoforAll community
> know how we can support you for the  session you are planning?
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> ________________________________________
> From: Board <board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Shin, Sanghee <
> shshin at gaia3d.com>
> Sent: 30 May 2017 6:59 AM
> To: Maria Antonia Brovelli; board at lists.osgeo.org
> Cc: Mauricio Miranda
> Subject: Re: [Board] FOSS4G Argentina
> I’m in favour of supporting Maria’s air fare and accommodations, since her
> visiting and activities are clearly in line with OSGeo’s outreach goal.
> Kind regards,
> 신상희 드림
> ---
> Shin, Sanghee
> Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company
> http://www.gaia3d.com
> 보낸 사람: Maria Antonia Brovelli<mailto:maria.brovelli at polimi.it>
> 보낸 날짜: 2017년 5월 30일 화요일 오후 1:13
> 받는 사람: board at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:board at lists.osgeo.org>
> 참조: Mauricio Miranda<mailto:maurimiranda at gmail.com>
> 제목: [Board] FOSS4G Argentina
> Dear All
> I was invited as key note speaker for Geo4All (and OSGeo) at the FOSS4G
> Argentina [1].
> Malena, the chair of the Conference, wrote:
> ...
> Geo4All: I said before that we have a lot of users. Most of them are
> government employees that have started to work with FOSS just because of
> money issues in their agencies or institutions. Argentina is not different
> from any other country, we have the same problems: all Universities only
> teach with proprietary software so every professional that cames out to the
> market only knows about some specific tools. Definitively we want, and we
> must, to change that. Our plan is to organize a specific activity related
> with Geo4All where we put together people from different Universities with
> people that already have good experience working and teaching with FOSS4G.
> We think this would be a "mind change" event, we need to evangelize people
> to make them know that FOSS is the way to go, not because of money, because
> of freedom. I, and some others here, can talk a lot about this but no one
> will pay as much attention as they will to someone like María. She's not
> only the Queen of FOSS4G, she is a great leader and an awesome speaker. We
> need her here to convince those all professors and decision takers from
> Universities to move into the FOSS4G world.
> ....
>  Besides these specific activities,  I will have a keynote about OSGeo and
> our activity.
> I'm able to organize my first semester teachings in such a way to have one
> free week  and therefore I'm able to go. Argentina is far, the travel will
> be tiring  but the Latino American people are wonderful and I will have
> great time there. And definitey we need to strenghten our presence there.
> I want to ask the Board if I can be provided economic support because the
> LOC is not able to pay my travel and I have great difficulties in covering
> it.
> In any case, many many thanks to Malena and the Argentinian friends for
> their sweet words and their kind offer.
> Best regards,
> Maria
> [1] http://www.foss4g-ar.org/
> Pay attention to this Special Issue and see if it is of interest by you:
> http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/Geospatial_Big_Data_Urban_
> Studies
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
> Professor of GIS and Remote Sensing
> Politecnico di Milano
> ISPRS WG IV/4"Collaborative crowdsourced cloud mapping (C3M)"
> http://www2.isprs.org/commissions/comm4/wg4.html, Board of Directors of
> OSGeo; GeoForAll Advisory Board; NASA WorldWind Europa Challenge; SIFET
> Advisory Board
> UN-GGIM Italy, UN-GGIM Academic Network Task Team, UN OpenGIS Initiative
> (Chair of the Capacity Building WG)
> Sol Katz Award 2015
> P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)
> Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob. +39-328-0023867,  maria.brovelli at polimi.it
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> Board mailing list
> Board at lists.osgeo.org
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