[Geo4All] [rda-geospatial-ig] New Masters of City Analytics

Suchith Anand suchith_anand at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 21 05:28:01 PST 2017

Thank you Chris for sharing this excellent updates.
It is good timing as Charlie's webinar and discussions following on  looking at ideas on  topics which has cross disciplinary and global impact to bring together labs interested in joint research and teaching.
I think Cities research will be also good theme to link  and is a great way for enabling this.
Best wishes,

      From: cpettit <c.pettit at unsw.edu.au>
 To: "rda-geospatial-ig at rda-groups.org" <rda-geospatial-ig at rda-groups.org> 
 Sent: Tuesday, 21 November 2017, 11:32
 Subject: [rda-geospatial-ig] New Masters of City Analytics
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