[Geo4All] Africa Agriculture, Cartography /Remote Sensing & Optimal Production

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Sat Nov 25 12:22:07 PST 2017

Hello everyone,

So this seems like a problem area where the GeoForAll lab network could
establish a cross-university team of students to develop a low-cost open
source hardware/mapping application, perhaps under a coordinated
independent study?

Are there any labs interested in trying to do this? I *might (no promises
yet!)* be able to find a student willing to try on my campus at the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, to try and collaborate with Daniel
over the Internet between January-May. Anyone else?


On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 4:00 AM, Charlie Martial NGOUNOU <
cmngounou at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniel
> I like what you say here.
> Problems you observe in Uganda are similar to what we have in Central
> Africa.
> We need to leverage Geo tools to cartography everything in our countries,
> because it is very difficult to locate anything here.
> Thank you !
> Best Regards
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> *Charlie Martial NGOUNOU, Founder*
> *AfroLeadership, Promoting Data Revolution in Africa*
> *Tel. 00237 69999 7093,** Yaoundé - Cameroon*
> *Click about Charlie M. NGOUNOU ?
> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/charliemartialngounou/>*
> * <http://www.linkedin.com/in/charliemartialngounou/>*
> On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 8:39 AM, Dan Bwanika <bulemezi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Forum
>> Recently, I was in the northern central part of Uganda where cattle
>> keepers have farms in the region of 300 -600 acres. It took me three
>> hours to locate where the cows had grazed that day.
>> Then I thought to myself, maybe if each cattle had a GPS/GSM tag, I
>> would locate the cows in a few minutes instead of walking in an
>> endless bush. Even then do these people need such huge land for cattle
>> keeping if they had good aerial data on vegetation, water etc.,?
>> Uganda key socioeconomic activity is still agriculture and it will
>> remain the same for some time to come. Uganda if you look closely at
>> the map is endowed with huge water resources.
>> For the above reason, this country will need huge cartographical data
>> on soil profiles, vegetation, crops, water sources, animal husbandry
>> etc.
>> That is how technology is converging on Africa in a massive way.
>> Can we work together on this – get in touch.
>> Best
>> Daniel Bwanika
>> --
>> _____________________________
>> Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
>> Daniel Bwanika
>> Box 12413 Kampala
>> Uganda
>> t: +256-752-972-960
>> f: facebook.com/uidc.uganda
>> www.uidc-ea.org
>> e: uidcug at gmail.com
>> t: @uidc_ug
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Charlie Schweik

Department of Environmental Conservation &
School of Public Policy
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

"Make positive change in your sphere of influence." -- CMS
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