[Geo4All] GeoForAll workshop at SES event in Bulgaria

SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy
Fri Sep 15 10:25:08 PDT 2017

I`m going to present GeoForAll here: http://www.gvsig.com/en/eventos/jornadas-lac/2017? and we are going to do it virtually through video conference. Maybe it's a method we can begin to use.

Sergio Acosta y Lara
Departamento de Geomática
Dirección Nacional de Topografía
Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
(598)29157933 ints. 20329/20330
De: GeoForAll <geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> en nombre de Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>
Enviado: viernes, 15 de setiembre de 2017 7:29
Para: hristo at stil.bas.bg; geoforall at lists.osgeo.org
Asunto: Re: [Geo4All] GeoForAll workshop at SES event in Bulgaria

Thank you Hristo for sharing this important opportunity. It will be great if we can get strong OSGeo/GeoForAll at  the  Thirteenth International Scientific Conference in Sofia (2nd to 4th
November 2017) and expand future collaborations . I am ccing GeoForAll colleagues to discuss ideas for special session or presentations at the event.

All - please share your ideas on how we can make this possible. Is there any colleagues in Bulgaria willing to lead this?

Best wishes,


From: hristo at stil.bas.bg <hristo at stil.bas.bg>
Sent: 15 September 2017 11:04 AM
To: Anand Suchith
Subject: Re: GeoForAll workshop at SES event in Bulgaria

Dear Suchith,

The Space research and technology institute at Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences will organize The Thirteenth International Scientific Conference
"Space, Ecology, Safety" which will take place in Sofia 2nd to 4th
November 2017 [1]. There is possibility to organize spacial session or
dedicated workshop for presentation of GeoForAll initiative achievements.
Since in Bulgaria there is no chapter of GeoForAll this could be good
first step towards its establishment. I suppose you could ask collegues
to present the options provided by GeoForAll network.

Best regards.
Hristo Nikolov, SRTI-BAS, RSS Dept.

[1] http://space.bas.bg/Eng/subitia/SES%202017/ANONS_SES_EN_2017.html

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