[Geo4All] New Maps Plus - online graduate courses in open source mapping start April 9th!

UK New Maps Plus Certificate rs_newmapsplus at uky.edu
Thu Feb 15 08:02:20 PST 2018

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Greetings from the University of Kentucky Department of Geography!
Are you interested in web mapping? Check out the online Graduate Certificate in Digital Mapping program at the University of Kentucky - we can help take your GIS career to the next level. Our completely online program focuses on open source software, JavaScript programming, and cartographic design for the web.
The online Graduate Certificate in Digital Mapping<http://newmapsplus.uky.edu/new-maps-plus-programs-and-online-courses> is based on a three course sequence:

  *   MAP 671 Intro to New Mapping<http://newmapsplus.uky.edu/map671-introduction-new-mapping-syllabus> - focuses on an open source desktop GIS workflow for web production
  *   MAP 672 Programming for Web Mapping<http://newmapsplus.uky.edu/map672-programming-web-mapping-syllabus> - introduces students to the fundamental concepts and techniques of web development and computer programming through web mapping
  *   MAP 673 Design for Interactive Web Mapping<http://newmapsplus.uky.edu/map673-syllabus> - integrates the principles of geographic representation and web programming in order for students to develop high-quality interactive web maps.
Students with sufficient experience may choose to complete the graduate certificate with MAP 672, MAP 673 and a more advanced class in web mapping (MAP 675, Collaborative Geovisualization<http://newmapsplus.uky.edu/new-maps-plus-programs-and-online-courses#map675>). All courses are completely online and run for 10-week terms with the next start date on April 9th.  The application deadline for the upcoming Spring term is March 25th.  GRE scores are not required.
 Visit our website to review sample syllabi for the courses or check out some of the student map samples<http://newmapsplus.uky.edu/explore-new-maps>, and please don't hesitate to email us<mailto:newmapsplus at uky.edu> with any questions about the program or application process.
Stay tuned for upcoming announcements re: new course offerings this Summer and Fall!
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D3A64C.71F6EE90]<http://newmapsplus.uky.edu/>

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