[Geo4All] Table of Content; Re: Buy my book too support a Geoinformatics Sciences Field Station in Uganda

Dan Bwanika bulemezi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 19:18:09 PST 2018

Forum here is a table of content of this book above.


1.  Explanatory critique of dialectical causality	
1.1 Logic of Structures	
1.2 Domains within structures	
1.3 Reality and limits of Empirical analyses	
1.4 What is transcendental realism	
1.5 Economic quasi Political Methodology	
1.6 Errors and Sociological research	

2.0 Theory of Knowledge development	
2.0.a. The first epistemological theme	
Cognitive process-	
2.0.b. The second epistemological theme	
2.1. Theory of models	
2.1.a. Dialectical and Transcendental realism	
2.2. Around hypothetical modelling and reality	
3.0 Explanatory methodology schemata	
3.1 Scientific Explanations	

3.1.a. Theoretical explanations or DREI (C) model of applied
scientific expla-nations

3.1.b Practical RRREI(C) reasoning of scientific explanations.
3.2 Three phases to Abstraction
3.2.a. Interpretation of data

4.0. Three-phase schema of science development	

4.1. Analytical model of science
4.2. Logical forms

4.3. Presentation of logical statements

4.4. Science, its critical practice, technology

5.0. What is the theory of explanatory critique of dialectical causality?
 5.0.1. The intransitive dimension


5.0.2. The transitive dimension
5.0.3 Comparison

5.1. Transfactuality
5.1. A. On Laws of nature

6.0	Case study with explanatory theory	
6.1	The Social cube and Simple Analysis	
6.2. On the complexity of Causality	
7.0	Components of explanatory theory	
7.0.a. Space and Time in social research	
7.0.b. Tendencies and mechanisms	
7.0.c The three sub-dimensions of the social cube	
7.0.c.1. Ethnography or Grounded theory	
7.0.d. On Abstraction –Platonic vs Aristocratic Methodology	
7.0.e. Interpretative Methodology	
7.0.f. On Logic	
7.0.g What is social reality?	
7.1. Writing structures	
7.2. On probability and probability theory	
8.0	Sociology Tradition - a Normative science	

8. 1. Normative science and logical possibility
8.2.	Social Action as scientific essentialism
8.3.	Causal processes of realism – social knowledge production
8.3.1 Transformative Social Methodology of Scientific Research

On 3/6/18, Dan Bwanika <bulemezi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Forum
> Will you support the Geoinformatics Sciences Field Station in Uganda?
> Buy my book and donate it to a University Library, Research Student or
> a friend and you have funded the station.
> https://www.amazon.com/Realistic-Theory-Methods-scientific-research/dp/3844322612
> Thank you in advance
> Daniel Bwanika
> --
> Daniel Bwanika
> Box 12413 Kampala
> Uganda
> t: +256-752-972-960
> f: facebook.com/uidc.uganda
> www.uidc-ea.org
> e: uidcug at gmail.com
> t: @uidc_ug

Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

Daniel Bwanika
Box 12413 Kampala

t: +256-752-972-960
f: facebook.com/uidc.uganda
e: uidcug at gmail.com
t: @uidc_ug

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