[Geo4All] Welcoming Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia to GeoForAll

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sat Nov 17 21:30:37 PST 2018

We are pleased to welcome Jaroslav Hofierka and colleagues from the Institute of Geography at the Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia to GeoForAll.

The Institute was established in 1998 and it is located in Košice – the second biggest city in Slovakia. The Institute's research and education activities are organized by three research groups: Geospatial Modeling Research Group, Physical Geography Research Group and Human Geography and Regional Geography Research Group. Recently, the Geospatial Modeling Research Group has focused on 3D applications of combined use of terrestrial and airborne laser scanning in speleology and karst geomorphology (http://spatial3d.science.upjs.sk/ ), urban heat islands and 3D city modeling (http://esa-surge.science.upjs.sk/ ). Some new methods of modeling the DEM surface, water flow and solar irradiation by parallelized modules in the GRASS GIS have also been developed. The most recent research initiatives specialize on spaceborne and UAV-based remote sensing. Currently, the Institute offers several courses related to open-source geospatial software such as Linux and open-source GIS, Geospatial modeling and analysis, Remote sensing techniques and Advanced statistical analyses at Bachelor and Master levels using various open-source GIS softwares such as GRASS GIS, Quantum GIS, CloudCompare, 3D Forest or R. The Institutes also offers a doctoral program in Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing as the only institution in Slovakia. The PhD. program is also open for anyone interested from abroad speaking good English (https://geografia.science.upjs.sk/index.php/en/study-en/doctoral-study-phd ).

We are looking forward to work with colleagues in making geospatial education and digital economy opportunities available for all. Please join us at https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/geo-for-all/lab-submission/

Best wishes,


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