[Geo4All] Fwd: Call for applications for postdoctoral research stays at the UOC - 2019

Toni Perez aperezn at live.com
Tue Feb 12 00:20:00 PST 2019

Hi all,

let me share with you this information. In case you are interested, or know anyone who could be interested, please, contact me.

Best wishes,


Dear colleagues,

We would inform you that the UOC Research and Innovation Committee has agreed to publish a call for applications for six places for three-year postdoctoral research fellowships. The positions are open to postdoctoral teaching and research staff in any of the  fields of study at the University and the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). The deadline for applications, as indicated in the terms and conditions, is 10 March.

Researchers awarded a doctoral degree – whether at the UOC or elsewhere – before publication of this call for applications may apply. Candidates with a doctoral degree from the UOC must provide proof of having carried out a postdoctoral stay at another university or research centre for a period of at least two years.

Those benefiting from these contracts cannot have been contracted by the UOC in the two years immediately leading up to the publication of this call for applications.

The decision regarding this call will be made public on or after 8 April.

You can read the call rules at the following link<https://research.uoc.edu/portal/en/ri/difusio-publicacions/noticies/noticies-OSRT/2019/noticia_postdoc.html> in the UOC website.

If you have queries do not hesitate to contact us through preaward_osrt at uoc.edu<mailto:preaward_osrt at uoc.edu>.

Best regards,

Oficina UOC de Suport a la Recerca i la Transferència
(+34) 934 505 200
osrt at uoc.edu<mailto:osrt at uoc.edu>
UOC R&I<http://transfer.rdi.uoc.edu/en> / HUBBIK<http://hubbik.uoc.edu/> / #SpinUOC<http://spin.rdi.uoc.edu/>

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)
facebook<https://www.facebook.com/UOCresearch> / twitter<https://twitter.com/UOC_research> / linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4159831/profile>

[UOC R&I]<http://research.uoc.edu/>

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