[Geo4All] Should you be around Florence on Feb. 23 - come and meet the BuioMetria Partecipativa team

Andrea Giacomelli pibinko at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 23:31:40 PST 2019

[apologies for cross-postings]

Dear all,

If you are in Florence, or close by (considering the high-speed connection
to the city this implies a range of 150 km), please come and visit the
Partecipativa <http://www.pibinko.org/buiometria-partecipativa-2/> info
point at the "bonsai" version of the Farma Valley Winter Fest in Florence
(and taste some typical products from Southern Tuscany):


The visuals may be misleading, so it will help to remind that the 2018
Winter Fest had a whole day hosting the annual meeting of the Tuscan
Amateur Astronomer Associations
<http://www.pibinko.org/fvwf3/caat-2018-conference/>, with a specific focus
on the Capraia Island Symposium
<http://www.pibinko.org/capraia-night-sky-2018-how-did-it-go/> held in
September 18, and had a lot of interaction between institutional and
community-based research.

In June 2019 the BuioMetria Partecipativa project will turn 11.
We are working on a significant revamping of the activities, on top of our
usual range of events and outreach initiatives (over 100 since June 2008).
Should you be interested to understand if/how you can collaborate, please
check out the PORGEP 2019 <http://www.pibinko.org/porgep-2019-2/>
page. The 2018
pibinko.org activity summary
and the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band presentation
<http://www.pibinko.org/the-metalliferous-hills-jug-band/> can also help
you to "tune in" to our operations (but don't "drop out"! as they used to
suggest time back).

Best regards from Tuscany,

Andrea Giacomelli
Culture, Environment, Open Innovation
info at pibinko.org
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
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