[Geo4All] Reminder: Call for mentors for the upcoming Google Code-In contest (for students aged 13-17)

Victoria Rautenbach victoria.rautenbach at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 01:38:25 PDT 2019

Dear All

Just reminder to sign up as a OSGeo mentor for the 2019 GCI before end
of the week, if you are interested.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Victoria Rautenbach <victoria.rautenbach at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 9:56 AM
Subject: Call for mentors for the upcoming Google Code-In contest (for
students aged 13-17)
To: osgeolist <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>, GeoForAll <geoforall at lists.osgeo.org>

This is a call for OSGeo mentors for the Google Code-in contest (where
 short 3-5 hour tasks are created for students aged 13-17).  Last year
was our second time participating and we had 18 community members that
contributed 132 tasks from 10 projects (e.g. istSOS, GRASS GIS,
GeoServer, MapServer, pgRouting, PostGIS, and Leaflet) and also OSGeo
and FOSS4G. The tasks are short, only 3-5 hours long, and are not only
about coding but can be documentation, testing, creating logos,
videos, blogs, and fun things that kids like to do.

If you are new within OSGeo/GeoforAll, Google Code-in is a great way
to get to know other community members and to contribute.

Interested mentors are asked to fill in the short Google form at

The contests starts 2 December and ends 21 January. But OSGeo's
application is due 26 October, so if you're interested, please fill in
that Google form right away (having mentors helps our chances to have
the application accepted). You can see the full timeline of the
contest at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Code_In_2019

Last year we had tasks from projects such as istSOS, GRASS GIS,
GeoServer, MapServer, pgRouting, PostGIS, and Leaflet. Let's have more
this year!!

Please share this to your OSGeo projects (official/incubation/community).

-Code-in admins 2019

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