[Geo4All] RDI Focus September 2019 - Columbia Basin Climate Source Now Available

Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute jjones1 at selkirk.ca
Mon Sep 9 13:25:49 PDT 2019

September 2019

Columbia Basin Climate Source Now Available

As weather around the world continues to challenge the frontiers of “new normals”, accessing credible information about trends and projected changes to our local and regional climate is becoming necessary. Evidence-based decisions will be inextricably linked to climate change and can help inform a range of questions, such as: what seeds and crops to plant (and when), what size stormwater system is needed to accommodate heavier rainfalls anticipated in the future, how to understand the climate risks of purchasing a local business, and many more.

Responding to a growing need and demand for region-specific climate information and for much needed approaches that support adaptation, the  Columbia Basin Climate Source [https://basinclimatesource.ca/] has been created as an online website to serve communities, businesses and residents in the Columbia Basin-Boundary region. The Columbia Basin Climate Source provides data about past and future climate, brief explanations about climate science, information concerning climate impacts for this region, and links to climate resources and actions. This new website has something for everyone and will be useful to a wide range of people, including: planners, educators, land managers, government personnel and interested community members.

Through data, videos, maps and more, the website provides a one-stop shop that helps users understand how the climate is changing in the region (with detailed projections for over 40 climate variables), how this might impact communities, how the region is taking action and how people can use and interpret climate science data.

The Columbia Basin Climate Source is an initiative of the Columbia Basin Trust’s three-year  Climate Action Program [http://ourtrust.org/climateaction], which also provides funding and other resources to help communities adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through a partnership with the Trust, the Columbia Basin Climate Source— [http://basinclimatesource.ca]—was developed by Selkirk College’s Applied Research and Innovation Centre. This new climate website provides a valuable complement to a separate local government  climate change adaptation [http://www.cbrdi.ca/Projects/Climate-Adaptation] project led by Selkirk College’s Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute.

Innovate BC Ignite Award Winner:

Selkirk College & Advanced BioCarbon 3D

Innovate BC's Ignite program provides funding to accelerate the commercialization of new technologies and innovations in the natural resources and applied sciences sectors in British Columbia. The program provides awards of up to $300,000 to consortia that are conducting research projects that address a significant demonstrated problem faced by industry and will commercialize a proposed innovation within a 3-year timeframe. To learn more about the Innovate BC Ignite program, visit  [https://innovatebc.ca/what-we-offer/get-funding/ignite/]

Seeking Ideas for Environmental/Social Justice Student Projects that Lead to Paid Internship

Dr. Adela Kincaid, Peace and Justice Studies Instructor and RDI research lead at Selkirk College, is extending an invitation to all environmental and social justice-oriented NGOs who have ideas for undergraduate student projects. Dr. Kincaid teaches an independent studies course at Selkirk College where students are required to complete a project that benefits NGOs. She has also applied for funding to continue these projects into the summer as paid internships. Your organization would benefit because each project is supported by research faculty expertise and students have access to software and various tools available at Selkirk College and the Applied Research and Innovation Center. Students benefit by gaining invaluable and experiential experiences by working directly with local NGOs.

Contact Dr. Adela Kincaid at  [akincaid at selkirk.ca].

Studying the Impacts of Automation in the Mining Sector

Dr. Heather Hall, University of Waterloo, has been awarded an Insight Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to examine how advances in technology, like autonomous vehicles and remote operations, will reshape the future of work and economic development in mining communities across Canada. This research includes case study regions in the Kootenays, the Yukon, Northern Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador in partnership with Dr. Terri Macdonald (Selkirk College), Dr. Kelly Vodden (Grenfell Campus Memorial University), and Dr. Ken Coates (University of Saskatchewan).

This research will: (1) determine what technologies are being used in the Canadian mining sector; (2) identify what is driving the adoption of these emerging technologies and how they are re-shaping the sector; and (3) explore the social and spatial impacts on mining communities and the responses from companies and governments, including Indigenous leaders, and organizations involved in economic development and skills training. Findings will highlight new challenges and opportunities for research and development, education and skills training, and business procurement.

Graduate student opportunities and a postdoctoral fellowship are available.

For more information please contact Heather Hall –  [h.hall at uwaterloo.ca]

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Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute

Selkirk College

301 Frank Beinder Way

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