[Geo4All] Inviting to Participate in the COVID-19 Spatiotemporal Rapid Response
Chaowei Yang
cyang3 at gmu.edu
Tue Apr 7 20:27:05 PDT 2020
Dear Colleagues,
The sudden outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) swept across the world in early 2020, triggered the lockdowns of China, Italy, France, and most states of the U.S. The transmission of the virus accelerated rapidly with the most confirmed cases in U.S. and New York City became an epicenter of the pandemic at the end of March. In response to this national and global emergency, the U.S. NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center brought together powerful taskforces of international researchers and implementation strategies to rapidly respond to this crisis, for saving lives and protecting the health of our citizens.
The project is quickly standing up a spatiotemporal platform and its gateway (http://covid-19.stcenter.net/) to assist research and development for national and international community preparedness and responses by: a) quickly integrating resources of computing, analytical tools/workflows and expert knowledge, b) collecting near real-time information through innovative mechanisms, c) sharing the data using smart discovery and access tools based on spatiotemporal knowledge base, d) building workflow models to integrate spatiotemporal analytical and mining tools to assist identifying case trajectories and spreading trends with interdisciplinary teams, and e) quickly standing up a platform to support researchers’ computing needs for analytics, modeling, and other relevant research activities.
We welcome interested researchers, educators, decision makers with open access in mind to collaborate on the spatiotemporal rapid response including but not limited to the following (Please fill the relevant forms as linked and we will be in touch):
1. Data collection and service<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VXKFnlffR0ygwAVGRgOAyyDYzKOrpBBEl0ds9-5AO2tUQ1ZXVFBRWjVTN0pCRTdTNU5HWFdMVTUzRi4u>
2. Analytics and tools development<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VXKFnlffR0ygwAVGRgOAyyDYzKOrpBBEl0ds9-5AO2tUQU4zQUQ5Vk9aTDkxVEZRVllRQkdIUVc5SC4u>
3. Public health research<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VXKFnlffR0ygwAVGRgOAyyDYzKOrpBBEl0ds9-5AO2tUNTFHRUMyTVZFTjdTWjE0UDNZMk4xVU9CWi4u>
4. Socioeconomic impact research<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VXKFnlffR0ygwAVGRgOAyyDYzKOrpBBEl0ds9-5AO2tUNVBUMTQ4VTlHWVdaQlhZNkZTV1BVTTdLMy4u>
5. Public policy research<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VXKFnlffR0ygwAVGRgOAyyDYzKOrpBBEl0ds9-5AO2tUNEJXQjdUU1lTS1ZZVkVINDlVRFlOSlpEUS4u>
6. Contemplation of other research questions<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VXKFnlffR0ygwAVGRgOAyyDYzKOrpBBEl0ds9-5AO2tUODgxRENGSUxVNjFRTEhEUDVXSTBMV1dPUi4u>
7. Other topics<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VXKFnlffR0ygwAVGRgOAyyDYzKOrpBBEl0ds9-5AO2tURDNUV0o4NlNUTEw4QTFCM1JPMkZDVzc0Wi4u>
Best Regards,
Chaowei Phil Yang, Ph.D.,
Director, NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center; www.stcenter.net<http://www.stcenter.net>
Professor, GGS, GMU, http://ggs.gmu.edu/
Tel: 703-993-4742 (O)
Yang, C., Yu, M., Li, Y., Hu, F., Jiang, Y., Liu, Q., Sha, D., Xu, M. and Gu, J., 2019. Big Earth data analytics: a survey. Big Earth Data, 3(2),83-107. DOI: /10.1080/20964471.2019.1611175<https://doi.org/10.1080/20964471.2019.1611175>
Yang, C., Clarke, K., Shekhar, S. and Tao, C.V., 2019. Big Spatiotemporal Data Analytics: a research and innovation frontier., International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2019.1698743<https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2019.1698743>
Yu, M., Bambacus, M., Cervone, G., Clarke, K., Duffy, D., Huang, Q., Li, J., Li, W., Li, Z., Liu, Q. Resch, B., Yang J., and Yang C., 2020. Spatiotemporal event detection: a review. International Journal of Digital Earth, Doi: /10.1080/17538947.2020.1738569<https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2020.1738569>
Trying to find a resource (text) for learning GIS and programming (including step by step guidance)?
Introduction to GIS Programming and Fundamentals with Python and ArcGIS®<https://www.crcpress.com/Introduction-to-GIS-Programming-and-Fundamentals-with-Python-and-ArcGIS/Yang/p/book/9781466510081>
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