[Geo4All] CFP: ISPRS Intl Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) - Special Issue about Geospatial Open Systems

Christian Willmes c.willmes at uni-koeln.de
Fri Feb 14 06:42:31 PST 2020

Hi Barend,

I just want to point out, that this is very dependent on the specific 
MDPI Journal. Some MDPI Journals are quite clearly predatory, where 
others are clearly serious. To say it mildly, IJGI has potential to 
improve its conduct, from my own experiences with that journal and its 
review process. But this is also to a large degree not the fault of 
MDPI, but mostly to to very lazy and careless reviews, be unpaid 
reviewers (like myself) who need to take more serious time to conduct 
the reviews. Currently I have an own submission in review, and I think I 
notice some betterment already, so maybe they got aware of the public 
discussions on social media?


Am 14.02.20 um 15:28 schrieb b.j.kobben at utwente.nl:
> Well, just wanted to make folks aware that there is an ongoing 
> discussion in the GeoSciences about the publisher (MDPI) of this 
> journal  -- some of us (me included) consider it a company that is 
> there to make money foremost and does not care too much about 
> scientific quality. If you want I can send you a summary of some of 
> that ongoing discussion...
> -- 
> Barend
> On 14/02/2020, 14:58, "SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA" 
> <sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy 
> <mailto:sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy>> wrote:
> ​¿? Is there something that the GeoForAll community should know? At 
> least I personally do not understand this mail...
> Regards,
> Sergio Acosta y Lara
> Departamento de Geomática
> Dirección Nacional de Topografía
> Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
> (598)29157933 ints. 20329/20330
> http://geoportal.mtop.gub.uy/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De:*GeoForAll <geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> en nombre de 
> b.j.kobben at utwente.nl <b.j.kobben at utwente.nl>
> *Enviado:* viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020 7:53
> *Para:* Chaowei Yang; GeoForAll
> *Asunto:* Re: [Geo4All] CFP: ISPRS Intl Journal of Geo-Information 
> (IJGI) - Special Issue about Geospatial Open Systems
> Mhwah, are you aware that this IJGI journal has at the moment a 
> stunning total of 83 "special issues" open, out of which by quick 
> glance 4 have "open systems/source/software" in their title:
> *Free and Open Source Software and Tools for Environmental 
> Applications* 
> <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/FOSS4G-IT_2020>
> (Editors: Paolo Dabove, Bianca Federici)
> 31 Oct 2020
> *Intelligent Systems Based on Open and Crowdsourced Location Data* 
> <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/intelligent_system>
> (Editors: Fernando Terroso-Sáenz, Andrés Muñoz)
> 31 Oct 2020
> *Geospatial Open Systems* 
> <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/Geospatial_Open_Systems> 
> (Editors: Timothy Nyerges, Piotr Jankowski, Wenwen Li, Chaowei Yang)
> 30 Apr 2020
> *OpenStreetMap as A Multi-Disciplinary Nexus: Perspectives, Practices 
> and Procedures* 
> <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/OpenStreetMap>
> (Editors: A. Yair Grinberger, Marco Minghini, Peter Mooney, Levente 
> Juhász, Godwin Yeboah)
> 31 Mar 2020
> This journal I now consider a borderline predatory one, and will 
> personally not do reviews nor write papers for anymore...
> Yours,
> -- 
> Barend Köbben
> Senior Lecturer – ITC- University Twente
> PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede (The Netherlands)
> ITC Building (Hengelosestraat 99) room 1-065
> +31-(0)53 4874 253
> On 14/02/2020, 07:09, "GeoForAll on behalf of Chaowei Yang" 
> <geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
> <mailto:geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of cyang3 at gmu.edu 
> <mailto:cyang3 at gmu.edu>> wrote:
> The ISPRS International /Journal of Geo-Information/ (/IJGI/) will 
> publish a special issue about “Geospatial Open Systems”. This Special 
> Issue intends to synergize insight about the state of knowledge of 
> open systems scoping, design, implementation, deployment, use, and 
> sustainability for geo-information (geospatial) applications. 
> Manuscripts that broaden and/or deepen insight into these topics are 
> candidates for the Special Issue.
> Scope: Open systems provide free access to geo-data and 
> geo-information in a variety of geospatial domains, such as 
> environmental science and management, human dynamics, transportation 
> planning and management, geo-information crowdsourcing, community 
> organizing, and geosciences, among others. Open systems enable access 
> for almost everyone, barring any illegal activity. Open systems might 
> or might not use open source software as part of the development 
> efforts. Open knowledge systems now in development for various 
> applications promise to transform how people make use of data, 
> information, evidence, and knowledge. The Special Issue explores the 
> past, present, and future of open systems environments addressing 
> data, information, and knowledge for geospatial applications. Any 
> aspect of open geospatial data, information, knowledge, and software 
> systems is a relevant topic as long as the topic is well reasoned and 
> developed in a thorough manner in line with /IJGI/ guidelines. 
> Prospects for development and use of geospatial open source software 
> are relevant for consideration. Software applications addressing these 
> topics are also part of the scope, but the issue is not limited to 
> these topics.
> Please click the following link for additional information including 
> submission instructions.
> https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/Geospatial_Open_Systems
> Prof. Timothy Nyerges, U of Washington
> Prof. Piotr Jankowski, San Diego State University
> Prof. Wenwen Li, Arizona State University
> Prof. Chaowei Yang, George Mason University
> /Guest Editors/
> -------------------------------------------------
> Chaowei Phil Yang, Ph.D.,
> Director, NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center; www.stcenter.net
> Co-Director, Center of Intelligent Spatial Computing for Water/Energy 
> Sciences; http://cisc.gmu.edu/
> Professor, GGS, GMU, http://ggs.gmu.edu/
> http://cpgis.gmu.edu/homepage/
> Tel: 703-993-4742 (O)
> Yang, C., Yu, M., Li, Y., Hu, F., Jiang, Y., Liu, Q., Sha, D., Xu, M. 
> and Gu, J., 2019. Big Earth data analytics: a survey. /Big Earth 
> Data/, 3(2),83-107. DOI: /10.1080/20964471.2019.1611175 
> <https://doi.org/10.1080/20964471.2019.1611175>
> Yang, C., Clarke, K., Shekhar, S. and Tao, C.V., 2020. Big 
> Spatiotemporal Data Analytics: a research and innovation 
> frontier., International Journal of Geographical Information 
> Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2019.1698743 
> <https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2019.1698743>
> Trying to find a resource (text) for learning GIS and programming 
> (including step by step guidance)?
> Introduction to GIS Programming and Fundamentals with Python and 
> ArcGIS® 
> <https://www.crcpress.com/Introduction-to-GIS-Programming-and-Fundamentals-with-Python-and-ArcGIS/Yang/p/book/9781466510081>
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for 
> Windows 10
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Dr. Christian Willmes	
AG GIS & Fernerkundung      | GIS & RS Group
Geographisches Institut     | Institute of Geography
Universität zu Köln         | University of Cologne
Tel.: +49 (0)221 470 6234

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