[Geo4All] Space Apps Challenge global virtual hackathon 30-31 May

SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy
Fri May 15 06:01:09 PDT 2020

Space Apps Challenge global virtual hackathon 30-31 May is being launched by NASA, ESA, and JAXA to develop COVID-19 solutions. For the first time, the hackathon will offer an opportunity to use open-source data generated by these three space agencies:

Participants from around the world will create teams in chat rooms which - during a 48-hour period - will use Earth observation data to come up with solutions to COVID-19-related challenges ranging from studying the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and its spread to the impact the disease is having on the Earth system.

The 4 themes of the Global hackathon are:

  *   Learning about the virus and its spread using space-based data;
  *   Local response/change and solution;
  *   Impacts of COVID-19 on the Earth System / Earth system response;
  *   Economic opportunity, impact, and recovery during and following COVID-19.

Volunteers to act as subject-matter experts are invited (deadline 15 May): https://forms.gle/sXdfEh1YEt1UD9nw7<https://nereus-regions.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a98ef6b55af2c979120ecec62&id=d9b47a9064&e=26afa2909b>

Participant registration is now open: After your registration you will receive the challenges which will be sent out a week before the event. https://covid19.spaceappschallenge.org/

Source: NEREUS
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