[Geo4All] Fw: [GeoEthics] GeoEthics session at the March OGC member meeting?

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Feb 21 22:59:25 PST 2021

From: GeoEthics on behalf of Nadine Alameh via GeoEthics <geoethics at lists.ogc.org>
Sent: 22 February 2021 02:58
To: geoethics at lists.opengeospatial.org <geoethics at lists.opengeospatial.org>
Subject: Re: [GeoEthics] GeoEthics session at the March OGC member meeting?

GeoEthics team members,

Thank you for your positive response for keeping the momentum going on our dialog and actions re geoethics within OGC.

Here's how the agenda is shaping up. We look forward to "seeing" you on Tuesday March 23 at 9 am EST (see OGC meeting information for registration and dial-in information)<https://portal.ogc.org/meet/>

  *   Tools for the implementation of GeoAI guidelines by Anneley Hadland (or member of her team), Head of Remote Sensing, Helyx Secure Information Systems
  *   Corona Warn-App – The German dilemma, Andreas Matheus, Managing Director, Secure Dimensions
  *   Update on the Locus Charter by Katherine Cann (or member of her team), Manager of Sponsored Projects & Initiatives, American Geographical Society
  *   Ethical issues from the GEO Data Working Group by Leah Shanley, Executive Director, International Computer Science Institute
  *   Community discussion

See you then! Spread the word!



Nadine Alameh, Ph.D.
CEO | Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Mobile: 1-703-501-3074 | Office: 1-301-637-5875
NAlameh at ogc.org<mailto:NAlameh at ogc.org> | ogc.org<http://ogc.org/> | @opengeospatial

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