[Geo4All] Please share ideas for providing geospatial education opportunities for more first generation students
labrinos at eled.auth.gr
labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Fri Aug 26 02:46:07 PDT 2022
Dear Suchith, dear all,
First of all I would like to say that STEM is one thing and geospatial
education is part of STEM connected to technology, engineering,
geography, mathematics, etc.
Yes, it is true that STEM education needs widening, not only for the
poor students but for all students.
This is what ESA does in Europe by establishing ESERO (European Space
Education Resource Office) Offices
(https://www.esa.int/Education/Teachers_Corner/European_Space_Education_Resource_Office) for the last fifteen years in every European
All these Offices are responsible for the training of teachers and
students in STEM education in their countries (we plan to organize at
least 20 trainings each year and a number of workshops in Greece all
free to join, either f2f or online).
I am ESERO Greece Office Manager, and we have plans for the training
of every teacher and student of any education level in Greece. We do
free school projects and promote STEM education to every school (state
or private) and for each student (poor or rich). The students
participate in national and European contests with the cost covered
either by sponsors or by the ESERO Office (via ESA). So, the poor
students can also join the teams, participate in the contests and
travel around their country or Europe.
The same goes in every European country where an ESERO Office exists.
I would be glad to share with you the training materials we are going
to produce but everything will be in Greek.
ESERO Offices are not the only network of STE(A)M education in Europe.
There are others which have the same principle like Scientix
This is just to inform you that STEM education is heading towards
every student and is free for everyone. We may have not approached
every student yet but we do our best.
Thank you all
Nikos Lambrinos
ESERO Greece Office Manager
Παραθέτοντας από Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>:
> Dear colleagues
> I would like to request your help in sharing ideas for widening STEM
> education opportunities for more first generation students
> worldwide. Quality education is still not accessible to students
> from economically poor families.
> GeoForAll is committed to making geospatial education and
> opportunities accessible to all. This will help enable widening STEM
> education opportunities for all. You can find details at
> http://www.geoforall.org
> May I request that if you are organising any Training programs,
> Summer Schools, academic conferences , workshops etc please consider
> providing a few free places for first generation students and for
> students from economically poor families. This will help make
> universities more accessible, inclusive, and diversified.
> Most first-generation learners suffer from asymmetries of
> information related to higher education and opportunities. It is
> important to create awareness among underprivileged youth about
> quality higher education opportunities. So I kindly request you to
> please share any information on scholarships, free training
> programs, Summer Schools, academic conferences , workshops etc in
> GeoForAll maillist
> athttps://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall
> Please join GeoForAll maillist and share your ideas. GeoForAll will
> share these opportunities through our website, newsletters and
> through our amazing network of volunteers. This will help us to
> reach out to many initiatives working for widening education
> opportunities for more first-generation students from around the
> world.
> I look forward to work with you to make education opportunities
> inclusive to students from all economic backgrounds.
> Best wishes
> Suchith
> ________________________________
> From: Suchith Anand
> Sent: 24 August 2022 08:28
> To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>; GeoForAll
> <GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: Please share ideas for providing geospatial education
> opportunities for more first generation students
> Dear colleagues
> GeoForAll’s aim is to keep the doors of education opportunities open
> for all. Access to quality education and opportunities is key for
> getting rid of extreme poverty and enable broadly shared prosperity
> for all.
> More details at
> https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/geospatial-ig/post/please-share-open-principles-science-and-education-ideas-and-philosophy
> GeoForAll supports initiatives and colleagues working to provide
> more opportunities for first generation students from around the
> world. I would like to request colleagues to share ideas for
> providing geospatial education opportunities for more
> first-generation students from around the world.
> I would like to introduce you all to Raju Kendre, Founder at
> Eklavya - an initiative promoting higher education and enabling
> grassroots leadership of first-generation learners in India.
> A first-generation learner from a nomadic tribal farming community,
> Raju is a graduate from Tata Institute of Social Sciences .
> Recently, he also won the Chevening Scholarship that provides a
> fully-funded education in the UK, apart from unique leadership
> opportunities. As a professional social worker, Raju has been
> engaged with tribal and rural community development for the last
> nine years.
> https://www.cede.co.in/inspiration/raju-kendre
> Ekalvya is a Movement building education and career of
> underprivileged youth. Details at https://eklavyaindia.org
> Dear colleagues, As GeoForAll community is spread in universities
> around the world, I would like to request colleagues to please share
> information on any scholarships, free training programs etc in the
> universities by sharing the information in GeoForAll maillist at
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall .
> Raju will then share relevant opportunities with his team. Thank you
> in advance for your help.
> I am requesting all colleagues to help make education opportunities
> inclusive to students from all economic backgrounds.
> Education + Empowerment = GeoForAll
> Please share our resources with all
> https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/please-share-geoforall-teaching-research-resources-colleagues-students/
> I thank all colleagues for their selfless efforts over many years
> which has helped us to make this possible.
> I look forward to working and building collaborations with all
> interested in this education mission. Let us all work together to
> help create a world that is more accessible, equitable and full of
> innovation and opportunities for everyone.
> Best wishes
> Suchith
> Dr Suchith Anand
> Senior Adviser to Governments and International Organisations |
> Scientist | Board member | Governance | Policy | Consultant in Data
> Science and Data Ethics | Global Citizen | SDG Volunteer and Advocate
> https://council.science/profile/suchith-anand/
> https://www.rd-alliance.org/users/suchith-anand
> https://ethicaldatainitiative.org
> Email -
> Suchith.Anand at ethicaldatainitiative.org<mailto:Suchith.Anand at ethicaldatainitiative.org>
> This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee
> and may contain confidential information. If you have received this
> message in error, please contact the sender and delete the email and
> attachment.
> Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not
> necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham. Email
> communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored
> where permitted by law.
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Thank You,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Δρ. Νίκος Λαμπρινός
Καθηγητής της Διδασκαλίας της Γεωγραφίας
Δ/ντης Γραφείου ESERO Ελλάδας για την Α/θμια Εκπαίδευση
Τμήμα Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης
Α.Π.Θ. 54124 Θεσσαλονίκη
Τηλ.: 2310 991201 / 991230
Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Web Page: http://users.auth.gr/labrinos/
Dr. Nikos Lambrinos
Professor of Geography Teaching
ESERO Greece Manager for Primary Education
President of the Hellenic digital earth Centre of Excellence
Faculty of Education
School of Primary Education
Dept. of Science and New Technologies
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +30 2310 991201
Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Web Page: http://users.auth.gr/labrinos/
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