[Geo4All] Looking for literature or websites specifically on programs that are helping indigenous people build their own GIS and remote sensing analysis capabilities

Charles Schweik cschweik at umass.edu
Mon Jan 24 09:51:18 PST 2022

Dear GeoForAll colleagues,

We're looking for literature or websites/programs that are specifically
focused on projects/programs to help build GIS and remote sensing
capabilities for indigenous communities.

If you know of any, *could you email me and my colleague (cc'd), Elizabeth*?

But to avoid email traffic to GeoForAll, *please only reply to us* -- not
to the GeoForAll list. We'll compile and share any information we receive.

Thank you!

Charlie Schweik
Libby Rankin

Professor, Dept of Environmental Conservation and School of Public Policy
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Web: charlieschweik.org
Twitter: @cschweik <https://twitter.com/cschweik>
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/charles.schweik.9
World Librarians program: worldlibrarians.org
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