[Geo4All] Postdoc / Senior Researcher: OpenStreetMap Road Quality Analysis : Job advertisement Heidelberg University – GIScience
Alexander Zipf
zipf at uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Nov 20 08:55:06 PST 2022
Job advertisement Heidelberg University – GIScience
*_Postdoc / Senior Researcher: OpenStreetMap Road Quality Analysis
*You are interested in enhancing methods for analyzing & improving
OpenStreetMap data? You are an experienced Spatial Data Scientist
innovating geoinformatics methods & workflows?**You have profound
hands-on experience on contributing to & working with OpenStreetMap
(OSM) data?*
We are looking as soon as possible for a senior researcher / Postdoc
(m/f/d) in the context of a project aiming at developing, evaluating &
advancing methods & technologies for *OSM data quality analysis*. The
application domain will be *routing & navigation*. The goal is to
innovate robust & meaningful approaches for evaluating OSM data quality
for transportation (fitness for purpose), which actually can be applied
in practice. Ensuring transferability of the methods to usage around the
globe is a key focus.
You will be working closely together with the teams at both the
/GIScience Research Group/ at Heidelberg University, as well as the
associated /Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology/
(_HeiGIT.org_). At HeiGIT a team is already working at developing a
comprehensive open source framework for OSM data analysis
(_ohsome.org_). This can be a base for further developments in the
analysis of OSM data quality targeted to routing & navigation. In
addition GIScience & HeiGIT jointly develop the open source OSM routing
platform openrouteservice.org <https://openrouteservice.org%20g>which
allows detailed insights & discussions about realizing OSM based
mobility services.
*We offer*an attractive position (up to 100%, part time possible if
preferred) in an interdisciplinary dynamic team and in a cutting-edge
research field. The department is, among others, a member of /the
University's Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)/
and a founding member of the /Heidelberg Center for the Environment
(HCE)/. The affiliated institute /HeiGIT gGmbH/ translates the research
into practical applications. The /Heidelberg University of Excellence
/(top 3 national university ranking) offers a particularly stimulating
interdisciplinary research environment in one of Germany's most
attractive cities, with many attractive personal development & education
*We expect*an PhD and above-average university degree preferably in one
of the subjects such as geoinformatics, computer science, data science,
geography or similar disciplines. In addition to a strong team spirit &
high motivation, excellent & demonstrated broad methodological skills &
research experience in GIScience are required, e.g. in topics such as
Spatial Data Science & Machine Learning. In addition we expect a deep
understanding of OSM, programming skills (e.g. Python, Java or R), the
ability to work effective & efficient in a team, as well as excellent
communication & presentation skills.
The position is to be filled as soon as possible and is initially
limited to 3 years, with potential extension to 6 years. The
remuneration is according to TV-L E13. Please send your meaningful
application documents (cv, certificates, references, etc.) as soon as
possible to _zipf at uni-heidelberg.de_.//
We are looking forward to your application!/*
Alexander Zipf*/
Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf
GIScience Research Group Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT gGmbH)
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