[Geo4All] Call for Papers for the I-GUIDE 2024 Forum is OPEN.

Wang, Shaowen shaowen at illinois.edu
Sat Jun 1 21:12:58 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

The I-GUIDE 2024 Forum, Convergence Science and Geospatial AI for Environmental Sustainability, is coming up October 14-16 in Jackson, Wyoming, USA.

Click here for more information on the I-GUIDE 2024 Forum and to sign up for the Forum mailing list.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/i-guide.io/forum/forum-2024__;!!DZ3fjg!9d3W0_ZbHfCtyUmMzidzk8MZMz0LNXGyK_TGa9c0iHz0Kp87rdAWbRuQvY0dGTb2Y9dUhANnVd8rFQ6Eqnz_SGApCDOPSftyIA$>

I-GUIDE invites researchers, AI and data scientists, and cyberinfrastructure experts to share their work at the 2024 Forum. Papers should address one or more of the Forum themes:

  1.  Frontiers in Data-intensive Convergence and Geospatial Sciences
  2.  Geospatial AI and Data Science for Environmental Sustainability
  3.  Innovation of CyberGIS and Cyberinfrastructure
  4.  Inclusive Education, Training, and Workforce Development
Click here to view the Call for Papers on the I-GUIDE website.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/i-guide.io/forum/forum-2024/forum-2024-call-for-participation/__;!!DZ3fjg!9d3W0_ZbHfCtyUmMzidzk8MZMz0LNXGyK_TGa9c0iHz0Kp87rdAWbRuQvY0dGTb2Y9dUhANnVd8rFQ6Eqnz_SGApCDOicz9YQA$>

Submit your papers by July 15, 2024! Authors of accepted papers will be notified by August 15, 2024.

Best regards,

Shaowen Wang (Pronouns: he/him/his)
Associate Dean for Life and Physical Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS)
Professor of Geography & Geographic Information Science (primary), Computer Science, and Urban & Regional Planning
Senior Faculty Fellow, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (OVCRI)
Founding Director, CyberGIS Center for Advanced Digital and Spatial Studies (CyberGIS Center)
Director, NSF Institute for Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2082 Lincoln Hall, 702 S. Wright Street | M/C 448, Urbana, IL 61801
www.las.illinois.edu<http://www.las.illinois.edu/>; Tel: +1.217.333.7608; Email: shaowen at illinois.edu<mailto:shaowen at illinois.edu>

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