[geojquery] Github or Gitorious

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 06:59:42 EDT 2010

Hi All,

we should go for "geojquery" as a name. I've asked in the jQuery forum 
[1] if it's OK, but I didn't get an official reply. I've asked in the 
IRC channeld once, no reply either. The worst thing that could happen is 
that we need to change the name, which isn't too bad. Additionally we 
are not threatening the jQuery project.

Now we come back to the repository question. I think we agreed on going 
for Git. I had a another look at Gitorious because of another project 
[2]. As you can see, Gitorious is project centric, in contrast to Github 
which is people centric. Project on Gitorious show also the activity of 
the forks right at the front.

Another point are merge/pull requests. At Github you send them like 
messages to people, at Gitorious you have them like tickets to a project 
[3], that everyone can read and comment on.

I guess most of you just want something really soon and don't really 
care that much what it is (sorry again for the delay). I really like 
what I see at Gitorious, though I haven't used it heavily yet. I prefer 
going for Gitorious. Please leave your comments. Based on the comments 
I'll set everything up on Github/Gitorious on Tuesday July 20th (or 
earlier if most people reply quickly :)

[1] http://forum.jquery.com/topic/using-jquery-in-a-plugin-name
[2] http://gitorious.org/spatialbenchmark
[3] http://gitorious.org/spatialbenchmark/spatialbenchmark/merge_requests


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