[geojquery] jQuery UI widget factory

Christoph Baudson (Wheregroup) christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com
Fri Jun 4 04:03:17 EDT 2010

Christoph Baudson (Wheregroup) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> has anyone taken a look at the jQuery UI widget factory [1][2] and 
> evaluated if it could be useful for GeoJQuery?
> As it is designed for stateful plugins, I think it could be useful to 
> build upon.

Just realized that Eric has built something with it. Very nice.

My interests would lie more in a GeoJQuery UI, so for example, to have 
an OpenLayers core plugin (which is what you all are mostly talking 
about), and additional widgets, like digitizing. I would love to avoid 
always loading the whole OpenLayers library, but instead be able to just 
load the components I need, so for digitizing maybe drawFeature, 
dragFeature etc.

With Mapbender I would be able to create a custom build, with just the 
functionality I need, or even more, load the components dynamically 
without precompiling it (let the user add widgets). With the widget 
factory's initialisation and destruction methods, this would be possible.

I'm not sure about how these widgets would be arranged. I would assume I 
would do it like this

$("#map").map(options); // just an OpenLayers map
$("#map").drawFeature(options); // add the drawFeature widget
$("#map").drawFeature("getFeatures"); // to get the features that have 
been digitized.

But I would have to make sure that a map has been instantiated. Let me 
know if you think this could end up in GeoJQuery, or if you would do it 
another way.


> Christoph
> [1] http://docs.jquery.com/UI_Developer_Guide#The_widget_factory
> [2] http://nemikor.com/presentations/jQuery-UI-Widget-Factory.pdf


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Christoph Baudson

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