[geojquery] Introducing a jquery + openlayers plugin

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Wed Jun 23 12:01:27 EDT 2010

Hi Anne,

I just had a quick look at the examples. It looks great! Thanks for 
sharing the code. I don't know if you've read the geojquery mailing list 
archive, but you've followed the current appraoch: just write some code 
which could be used as a basis and post it for discussion.

I don't have time to look at the code right now, but expect some more in 
depth comments within a week.


On 06/23/2010 03:32 PM, Anne Blankert wrote:
> Hello GeoJQuery list,
> Only a few days ago, while working to combine JQuery and OpenLayers, I
> discovered the existence of GeoJQuery.
> As an exercise that ran a little out of control, I created (the
> beginning of) a jQuery plugin that combines JQuery and OpenLayers.
> Please have a look at two examples:
> http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget/plugintest.html
> http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget/edugis.html
> The current version of the code for the plugin is at:
> http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget/jquery.mapwidget.js
> An article about the context and motives behind the plugin is at
> http://research.geodan.nl/?p=148
> Is this the type of plugin that the GeoJQuery group is thinking about?
> Regards,
> Anne Blankert
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