[geojquery] JQuery code sprint

Anne Blankert anne.blankert at geodan.nl
Thu Sep 2 11:59:43 EDT 2010

  Hello List,

I intend to bring the code behind http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget to 
the jQuery code sprint in Barcelona. This is not yet on gitorious 
because of the threshold of learning a new version control system (git). 
I hope you will find some of this useful as an input to the geojquery 
code sprint.

The geojQuery poster mentions that geojquery will add a jQuery-like 
interface to OpenLayers. I think that is a good idea. However, the code 
that I am bringing uses the OpenLayers api directly and uses jQuery on a 
different level. It focuses on displaying and manipulating the 
OpenLayers elements in a webpage (outside the openlayers map div).

Example jQuery mapwidgets that were created are:
- a multi level list of layers. Layers can be added by programmers or be 
added by requesting WMS GetCapabilities from a server. The list keeps 
information for the WMS, but also for the legend and getFeatureInfo
- a legend widget that supports sorting of layers. If you sort the 
legend, the layers in the map will be sorted accordingly.
- a simple toolbar for selecting modes (now only has modes 
pan/zoom/getfeature and distance_measure
- a scalebar
- a coordinate display
- a geocoder input

Some of these widgets are already in a jQuery plugin, but some widgets 
still have to be moved to a plugin (the ones that require jquery-ui).

Libraries/plugins used:
- jquery
- jquery-ui
- jquery.history
- openlayers

For some extra layers:
- maps.google.com
- bing maps

The webmapping application (unfortunately currently only in Dutch) at 
http://research.geodan.nl/mapwidget has the following features:
- Resizeable layout
- Map: Combine OpenLayers with Google Maps or Bing or…
- Map: Many layers available
- Map: Overview map that can be moved around or opened/closed
- Map: aware of extent and min/max scale levels for correctly configured 
- Multi level layer list
- User defined layers
- Load Layers from getcapabilities
- Add/Remove layers to map
- Spinner while loading layers
- Legend viewer
- Legend Sortable, sorts map layer
- Legend Opacity slide bar
- Add/Remove layers from map
- Scale Bar
- Coordinate viewer
- Distance measuring
- Feature information (right mouse click)
- Zoom to address
- Map history connected to browser history


Anne Blankert

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