[geojquery] Re: Name change

Pedro Mendes p.m.g.mendes at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 19:38:33 EDT 2010

+1 on MapQuery

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Anne Blankert <anne.blankert at geodan.nl>wrote:

>  +1 on MapQuery
> I am taking the liberty of summarizing the discussion. This summary may
> be somewhat biased to my preference of MapQuery, so please feel free to
> comment if you think the other options need more support.
> GeojQuery
> pros: it is already here, domain is claimed, name is published,
> announced at foss4g, no renaming hassle, etc
> cons: difficult to pronounce Geo-Jay-Query. The name pattern is more or
> less a copy of the name 'Geo-Ext'
> MapQuery
> pros: same pattern as GeojQuery but much easier to pronounce, the
> project  is more about 'maps' than 'geo', the word 'query' is used in
> the same way as in jQuery, the project is about querying and presenting
> maps like jQuery is about querying and presenting DOM elements.
> cons: renaming hassle, some people find the word 'query' confusing, what
> is there to query? 'MapQuery' loses direct reference to jQuery.
> jQuery-spatial
> pros: many other spatially related projects use '-spatial' in the same
> name pattern. JQuery advises to name plugin files 'jquery.xxx' where xxx
> is the projectname. It is a pro when file name and project name match.
> cons: renaming hassle, pattern is same as 'jquery-ui' which might make
> people believe that jQuery-spatial has the same 'official' jQuery status
> as the -ui project. The word 'Spatial' does not map really well on
> visualizing maps.
> This overview brings me to:
> jQuery-map
> cons: this is already used for the jQuery.map() method.
> Regards,
> Anne
> On 9/27/2010 10:46 AM, Volker Mische wrote:
> > On 09/11/2010 06:14 PM, Volker Mische wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> the code sprint at the FOSS4G was great, thanks all that were coming. I
> >> wasn't happy with the name "geojquery" from the start, but couldn't
> >> think of anything better. At the code sprint that changed. Therefore I'd
> >> like to propose a new name we came up with at the code sprint:
> >>
> >> MapQuery
> >>
> >> Please vote on it (+1 yeah great!, 0 I don't care, -1 no! leave it as is
> >> or change it to something different).
> >>
> >> Feel free to propose other names.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>   Volker
> > It's time to revive this thread. The thread was basically dead without a
> > result. So please use this one again for discussions. After that I will
> > start a vote again on the name that we found via the discussion on that
> > thread (this time with proper [vote] prefix).
> >
> > This weekend I was at the JSConf.eu and had the chance to talk to Jörn
> > Zaefferer (jQuery UI) about the name. Using the full jQuery is probably
> > be possible legal wise, though in my opinion it is a bit sketchy for
> > calling it like this, as people would think it's connected to the main
> > jQuery project.
> >
> > Am I right that there were two propositions: MapQuery and jQuery Spatial?
> >
> > In case you are annoyed by this thread feel free to send a mail to me
> > off-list with a one liner that you don't care or in favour of one name.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   Volker
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Pedro Mendes
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