[geomoose-psc] Autumn PSC Meeting

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Oct 27 08:20:50 PDT 2016

Hi Dan,

Great to see the PSC meeting, I'd also like to attend, just lurk. And 
also add to the agenda an item for the 2.9.1 release (which I saw 
mentioned recently but was never published).  Talk then...


On 2016-10-27 11:26 AM, Dan Little wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> I'm now back in the country and almost getting settled back into the
> daily grind and through that we should put together a PSC meeting.
> The tentative agenda:
> 1. GeoMoose 3.0. Plans, funding, and progress.
> 2. FOSS4G 2017 in Boston.
>  a. Who's going?
>  b. Any interest in coordinating a code sprint? Workshop?
> The doodle link:
> - http://doodle.com/poll/rk2ph9zet25wnsfc
> Thanks folks!

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