[geomoose-psc] GeoMoose demo server

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 20:02:28 PDT 2023

I've updated the demo server to Ubuntu 22.04 and Node.js 18.

This includes an update to MapServer 7.6.4 which doesn't appear to allow './' in the mapfile paths, so I had to quick merge a PR to clean those out of the mapbooks.  I really thought we already had that fix merged in already as part of the MapServer 8 prep, but maybe it is sitting in a branch somewhere.

I think I've got all the webhooks reconnected for updating the demo, docs, and website.

One thing I noticed is it looks like the mobile demo is broken.  I'm not sure if that is something I did or if it was broken before.

Let me know if you find anything else broken.

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