[Geomoose-users] Indentify question

Gary Watry watry at steam.coaps.fsu.edu
Fri Oct 19 10:12:29 EDT 2007

1.Changed projection to SRID 2163 (successful)
2. Added airports (airprtx020) file to map (successful)
3. Add airports to Identify.map (successful)
4. Built identify_airprtx020.html file (successful)
5. Adjusted path in select.php (successful)
6. Open GeoMoose
7. Turn on Airports
8. Click Identify Button
9. Click on Button


msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found.

What do I do now??

Also what is the function of the _att.html file found in each shape 

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