[Geomoose-users] Multiple GEOMOOSE Installations

Johnson, Jeremy JJohnson at ci.blaine.mn.us
Tue Jul 8 10:31:51 EDT 2008

I have a GEOMOOSE 1.2 application working and functioning on my PC for
testing.  I now want to create a second and a third application for
crime mapping and one for use only in our Emergency Operations Center.
Basically, what I did was copy the GEOMOOSE folder to the APPS directory
and renamed it to EOCWeb.  I created a new CONF file in the HTTPD.D
folder for the new website and made all of the necessary changes to the
files in webdocs.  I restarted teh Apache server and tried to open the
site, but I recieved a HTTP 403 Forbidden error.  Any thoughts on this?
Anyone else have any luck in created multiple GEOMOOSE sites?  Thank you
in advance.
Jeremy Johnson, GISP
G.I.S. Coordinator
City of Blaine
10801 Town Square Dr Ne
Blaine, MN  55449
(763) 717-2639
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