[Geomoose-users] XY indentifyer

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Wed Mar 19 13:06:36 EDT 2008

Sorry for the loaded questions.  Trying to really learn this stuff....If
anyone can be of assistance I would be appreciative....





I am looking at the Identify Tool Code. (see Below)


I see the call to the identify.map

Once in the identify.map there is a call to you specify layer "TEMPLATE

Once there you tell it what fields to show values on...


Where in that process does the code tell it to place all the values from
the TEMPLATE above into the Info Tab in GeoMoose?


Is this whats going on???

Is the code below passing all those input types to MapServer?  Is this
being done in the URL?  Then MapServer reads them and passes them back?
To where...how does that get passed back to the Info Tab?


<service title="Identify" default="true"
cursor="url(cursors/identify2.cur), auto"
highlight="shared/images/toolbar/identify_selected.jpg" locked="true"


                <input type="hidden" name="map"

                <input type="point" name="mapxy" delim=" "/>

                <input type="extent" name="imgext" delim=" "/>

                <input type="layertitles" name="layers" delim=" "/>

                <input type="imagesize" name="imgsize" delim=" "/>

                <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="nquery"/>






I see in the Identify Code above that it is getting the mapXY....how
would I go about stripping all the other stuff above and just create the
button "onClick" write the XY to a variable and pop up a messagebox
giving the user the XY?



Any thoughts would be appreciated...trying to learn how to code in the
Web Environment......Something I can do in ArcGIS easily but confused
with all the calls and requests back and forth....


THanks Again






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