[Geomoose-users] USNG on Geomoose

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Oct 6 18:15:13 EDT 2008


I'm copying the GeoMoose list with this reply.

We've submitted a patch to the geomoose code for display of the USNG coordinate readouts.  I don't know that it's gotten into the GeoMoose Trunk thgouh, hence the copy to the list.

Jim K. may be able to explain the long way around to implementing it though.  He's on the list as well.


****************  You can't be late until you show up.  ***************
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***  War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.  ***

>>> "Mark Volz" <MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us> 10/06/08 1:27 PM >>>


I noticed that you have the USNG coordinate system displayed on the bottom of
your Geomoose site.  I would also like to add the USNG onto mine as well.
Would you mind sharing code as to how you did that?


Thank you,


Mark Volz

GIS Specialist

Lyon County, MN

(507) 532-8218


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