[Geomoose-users] NASA OnEarth wms
Brent Fraser
bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Thu Dec 10 11:33:48 EST 2009
Your map file looks ok, as well as your mapbook XML.
Moore, Richard J wrote:
> Going by your suggestion 2, I think that would be the easiest. In GM 1.6, I had my USGS color relief using a .map file and referencing it in the mapbook.xml. Here is what I had. Do I need to make any changes to it and what would the map-source look like in the mapbook. I have included what I thought would work.
> <map-source name="eros" type="mapserver">
> <file>./data/wms/eros.map</file>
> <layer name="eros"/>
> </map-source>
> NAME 'eros'
> SIZE 800 650
> EXTENT 189783.560000 4816309.330000 761653.524114 5472346.500000
> INCLUDE "../temp_directory.map"
> 'init=epsg:26915'
> NAME eros
> #OFFSITE 0 0 0
> CONNECTION "http://imsref.cr.usgs.gov:80/wmsconnector/com.esri.wms.Esrimap/USGS_EDC_National_Atlas?"
> "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
> "wms_name" "ATLAS_200M_COLOR_RELIEF_48"
> "wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
> "wms_format" "image/png"
> "wms_styles" ""
> "wms_exceptions" "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage"
> "init=epsg:4326"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com]
> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 9:12 AM
> To: Moore, Richard J
> Cc: 'Devon Piernot'; geomoose-users
> Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] NASA OnEarth wms
> This is to be expected (I think). The providers of the various WMS servers
> decide on which Spatial reference systems their data will be served in (usually
> one or two). If it is not an SRS you like, with most browser-based WMS clients
> you cannot use the data.
> With GeoMoose v2, Dan made an enhancement to warp the imagery from the WMS
> server SRS to the SRS you've selected in GeoMoose. A simple warp is not a
> rigorous map projection, so the farther you zoom out the worst the warp
> approximation is.
> Possible solutions:
> 1. Set up your GeoMoose site to use the same SRS as the WMS servers (4326? yuck!)
> 2. Pass the WMS stream through Mapserver to re-project it (use Mapserver as a
> WMS client, then serve it up to GeoMoose).
> 3. Serve the data yourself: Dowload the Landsat data from
> http://hypersphere.telascience.org/onearth/. Then combine the bands for natural
> color, fuse the pan band to increase the resolution from 30m to 15m, then do
> some color adjusting (yikes!).
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> Moore, Richard J wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I want to ask a question about the NASA Global Mosaic and how it doesn't
>> match up with the data at a statewide zoom and and farther out. I added
>> a layer EROS that uses the projection 4326 and added it similarly to the
>> mapbook.xml as the global mosaic. At the statewide zoom, the images and
>> the county layers do not match up. As you zoom in, the lines approach
>> the correct placement on the map.
>> You can see the example of this at this site.
>> http://gis.wrc.mnsu.edu/mrmp/geomoose.html
>> I noticed Devon Piernot had an issue with this on October 15, 2009 and
>> didn't see a response on the forums to his question. Also, Efstathios
>> Arapostathis remarked about having problems with this also. I just
>> installed GM 2.0.1 yesterday and had only made changes to the
>> mapbook.xml by adding some layers.
>> Any suggestions? I can send the mapbook if need be.
>> Thanks,
>> Rick
>> Rick Moore
>> GIS Research Analyst
>> Water Resources Center
>> 184 Trafton Science Center South
>> Minnesota State University, Mankato
>> Mankato, MN 56001
>> (507) 389-3267
>> richard.moore at mnsu.edu
>> http://mavdisk.mnsu.edu/moorer2/
>> *From:* Devon Piernot [mailto:piernotd at uwplatt.edu]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:12 PM
>> *To:* geomoose-users
>> *Subject:* [Geomoose-users] NASA OnEarth wms
>> First off, thank you to everyone who has helped my application get this far.
>> As with the demo, I am trying to use the NASA global mosaic in my
>> geomoose application, but I may be having some problems with
>> projections. I have defined EPSG:3071, which is the Wisconsin
>> Transverse Mercator http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3071/ and
>> all of my own data is in this projection, but the global mosaic does not
>> recognize it. When I leave the wms in EPSG:4326 the image shows up, but
>> it matches the map less and less at smaller scales. This can be seen on
>> the demo here: http://gis.swwrpc.org/geomoose2/geomoose.html (zoom in
>> and it looks ok, but zoom out and it is way off).
>> I see that the default projection for the global mosaic is EPSG:4326,
>> does this mean that I cannot reproject it in geomoose 2.0?
>> I followed the instructions here:
>> http://www.geomoose.org/moose/howto/wms_project.html but to no avail,
>> which makes me believe it could be a problem with my configuration
>> somehow. Should I instead write a mapfile to take the wms?
>> Here is the code from my mapbook (with the default projection):
>> <map-source name="nasa" type="wms" tiled="false" projection="EPSG:4326">
>> <url>http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi</url>
>> <layer name="global_mosaic"/>
>> <param name="format" value="image/jpeg" reproject="true"/>
>> </map-source>
>> ...and here is my projection:
>> Proj4js.defs["EPSG:3071"] = "+title= NAD83(HARN) / Wisconsin Transverse
>> Mercator +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-90 +k=0.9996 +x_0=520000
>> +y_0=-4480000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs";
>> Thank you all for your help
>> --
>> Devon Piernot
>> GIS / Web Developer
>> Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
>> (608) 342-6065
>> piernotd at uwplatt.edu <mailto:piernotd at uwplatt.edu>
>> www.swwrpc.org <http://www.swwrpc.org>
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