[Geomoose-users] popups

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Fri Feb 6 10:06:07 EST 2009

I think there was some discussion on this a bit back...

If I turn on the popups for a specific layer and hover over a parcel I get the popups
If I then change to the Identify and then go back to the map and click I can save the popup as an image on the map
There is then a little red x that I can click to remove the popup image.

BUT...I cannot remove the last one.  There is no clear...the only way I can get the popup image to disappear is to zoom in or zoom out.
I cannot click the little flag in the TOC to turn the popups off.  Its only when I zoom out that the popup option turns off.

Has this been discussed?  Fixed?



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