[Geomoose-users] GM2: Popup error when using "layer name="all"

CoFIS Web coffee at uni-bonn.de
Wed Sep 16 06:48:29 EDT 2009

Nevermind my question on how to set up popups for only one or two layers 
(popups="true" in the mapbook).

However, I am still getting that weird error message (see end of mail) 
when clicking to far off a map feature, i.e. beyond tolerance. I guess I 
could somehow modify the error message - possibly in the mapbook. Could 
somebody please point me to the right place / syntax?


CoFIS Web schrieb:
> Dear all,
> When enabling popups I get an error (see end of post) when using the service
> - on a layer that is not set up for popups or
> - a layer that is defined using '<layer name="all"/>'
> Example:
> <map-source name="administration" type="mapserver" reference="true">
>    <file>./administration.map</file>
>    <layer name="all" reference="true"/>
> </map-source>
> gives an error.
> Using the same mapfile and specifying layers individually works fine:
> <map-source name="administration01" type="mapserver" reference="true">
>    <file>./administration.map</file>
>    <layer name="wereda" reference="true"/>
> </map-source>
> => gives me nice popups for the "wereda" layer.
> Any suggestions how to make popups work using '<layer name="all"/>' instead?
> Thanks Nils
> ****
> Error message:
> Warning: [MapServer Error]: msQueryByPoint(): No matching record(s) 
> found. in /srv/www/geomoose/2.0.dev/htdocs/php/popups.php on line 72
> Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by 
> (output started at /srv/www/geomoose/2.0.dev/htdocs/php/popups.php:72) 
> in /srv/www/geomoose/2.0.dev/htdocs/php/popups.php on line 93

Center for Development Research
Department of Ecology and Resource Management

Walter-Flex-Strasse 3
53113 Bonn (Germany)

Tel.:   +49 (0) 228 - 73-1793
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E-Mail: coffee at uni-bonn.de

Web:    http://www.cofis.info/atlas

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