[Geomoose-users] No Element found error in GeoMoose.js

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Mon Aug 16 16:17:42 EDT 2010

The JavaScript is waiting for a response from the server (the php) and likely 
not getting one.  The server process is taking too long (timing out?), or it is 
stopping unexpectedly (crashing?).

My technique in these cases is to put some print statements in the PHP to see 
where it's failing.

But looking back at your previous emails of last week, it looks like mapserver 
is not forming the SQL from the FILTER properly.  It gives

  and (^059)

instead of something like

  and (parcel_no=059)

How about using a filter of
  FILTER 'parcel_no=%id%'


t faustino wrote:
> To add to my previous email;
> The error seems to point to line 971 within the GeoMoose. js;
>     http.onreadystatechange=function (){if(http.readyState==4){var
>     results=null;....
> Completely beyond me...Dan? Brent? 
> -- 
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> endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a 
> success unexpected in common hours."  ~Thoreau
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